Pow themgty knowwhetherwebe indaiedwith Codsfpirit. 2 r5 this earneft and pawne,to affure vs that hee will performe his promife andbargaine. But here the tempter obie6leth, that we cannot know and §.Sea.4, difcerne whether we haue the fpirit ofGod,vnleffe it fhould That we may bring forth invs Tome extraordinariecfle s : and though it drferrie Gods fhould bee granted that wee were indued therewith,yt eats thereof. cannot difcerne the tefiimonie thereof from our (Mlle thoughts,vnleffe it beby fome fpeciall re.uelation.To the firft Ianfvti ere,that though many lulled afleepewith carnalifecu- ritie, doe vainclie drea :ne that theyhaueGodsSpirit,and fo aredeluded with their ovine phantafes; yet this hindreth not, but that heewho bath theSpirit ofGod indeede,may certaincliebee affured that it dwclleth in him ; for it fealeth in vs the aflürance of Godscouenant, and who can receive x.Cor.s.zt. this feale and not feele the impreflîon ? it is anearnef, and vvho receiuingan earneft cannot know whether behath re- ceiued it ? for otherwife howcan itaffurevs ofour bargaine, ifofit felfe we haue no affurance ? it is a pawne ofGods ?oue andour faluation, and who hauing apawne inhis cutsodie cánot know that he poffeffeth it?it is a heavenly Iight which doth illuminate our vnderfandings, which were blind and Eph. 1:17.13. ignorant in the knowledge ofGods truth, and whocannot difcernebetweene blindneffeand fght,Iight.and darkneffe ? it is a water which purgeth vsfrom our corruption, and who Efa44.3 that is thus wafhed and clenfed, can doubt that this water Ezech.r6.9. bath touchedhim? it is a fire which inflamethour cold fro- Idatth. ;.r r. fen heartswith a.zeale-ofGods glorie, and loue ofour bre- Aft.2,3 thren,and how can firewhich iscarried inour brcaltsbe hid- den from vs ? it is a precious oylc which tnollifieth our i.Ioh.z.to.i7. bard "Ionic hearts, and maketh them flexible and pliable to Gods will, which beforewere fo fiffe and obdurate that they would rather haue broken then bowed to obedience; it fuppleth alfo our fife nints and maketh them aefitte andnimble in theworkes of holineffè, and righteoufueffe, and who finding thofe frange alterations in himfelfe, may not bee affured that he is annointed with this oile ?it is the Lords champion fighting in vs againit the flefh, and fhb- Ga1.s47.; cluing the lulls thereof, and who feeling this inteftine warte P4 in