Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

-2 t 6 Höwvemily loomwhetherwe be indiredtbith Gods.' jpirit. in his owne bowels can doubt that the combatants blue theirrefidence inhim ? In aword, it is only this fpirit which refiraineth vs from the euill, which naturallywee loue, and prouokethvs to imbrace that good, which through natural' corruption we latheand abhorre : if therefore fin growvn- pleafant votovs, and vertue and true godlineffe delightful', we may be affured that this is the worke ofGodsfpirit dwel- ling invs.Wouldwe then beaffured that we are induedwith the Spirit ofGod ?why then let vsconfiderifour eyesblin ded with ignorance are inlightned in any good meafure, with theknowledge ofGods. truth; ifour foules polluted with the filth offinne,are purged in Tome fort from our cor- ruptions ; if our cold hearts are inflamed with the zealeof Gods glorie and the loue ofour brethren ; ifour heartsmore hard than adamant, and more inflexible than fleele, are fof tenedand made obfequious to Gods will; and ifthe other members ofourbody,which were benummed and as it were- taken with a-deadpalfie, bee made nimble and a&iue in the workes ofholineffe and righteoufneffe;ifwéfeele a fight and combatebetweene the flefh and the Spirit,the one flriuing to leadevs captiue vnto fin, theother refitting and drawing, vsout ofthis captiuitie; ifthe fins which heretofore we haue loued,bee now lothfomevnto vs and the venues which wee- haue abhorred be delightful' andpleafant;-and thenwe may affure ourfelues that it is"the light ofGods fpiritwhichhath fhinedvpon vs, it is this heauenlywater which bathwafhed; vs,it is this diuine fire whichbath inflamedvs, it is this pre- cious oyle thathathmollified and foftned vs,it is this cham- pion ofthe Lord ofhofls which maketh warre againfl our traiterous flefli, and fubdueth the lufts thereof; in aword, it can benothing but Godsfpirit, whichmakesvs hate that finnewhich naturallywee fo dearelyloue,and to loue vertue and godlineffe which by nature is lothfome and bitter vn- tovs. 4,sell,5, And thusit is manifeft that wee maybe affured that wee" haueGods fpirit, by the ordinarie fruites thereof in euerie faithful! man. Nowlet vsconfiderhowweemayknow the zeílimonyofGods fpirit,witnefíìng inour hearts that we are eleaed ir11111