Raw toaifcerte the te/fimonieofGodsS/firitfromprefunsp. 217 ele&ed,adopted and (hallbee faued, from our owne phanta- How tree may fees caufed through carnali fecuritie andvainc refum tion, difcer>re tbete- g p p ßrmonie of And to this end we are toknow, that the preaching of the Godsfp:rrt Gofpell is theminifferieorthe ÌPirit, whereby wee are fealed fromour own: and confirmed in theaflurance ofour fal uation,as appearethprefumrtion _.Cor.3.6. And hence it is that the preachers of theGofpell LoT 3 6. are called the A1ìnif/ ers bywhom thepeoplebeleeue, i .Cor.3.5. And the words of the Gofpell are called by our Sauiour Chriftfpirit and /ifs', becaufe it is the minifterie of the fpirit which quicknethvs,as it is Ioh.6.63. And Ga1.3.2.the Apo- Iohn 6.63. file faith that wee haue receiued the fpirit by the hearingof Gal.3.1. faith, that is, thedo6Ìrineoffaith preached in theminiftery oftheGofpell. Iftherefore the teftimonieoffaluation in the mindes ofthe faithfull, be conceiued bythepreachingofthe Gofpell applied vnto them by faith,then is it moil certainly the teftimonieofGods Spirit; for the inward teftimonie of Gods fpirit is not different from the outward tefiimonie of the word; but ifthis perfwafîon benot grounded vponGods word,as theirs is not who perfwade theinfelues that theyare eleaed,adopted, and (hall bee faued, notwithftanding that they liue in their finneswithout repentance,makingnocon- fcience oftheir waies, nor indeauouring to ferue the Lord in holineffe and righteoufneffe oflife; then is it not the tefli- ,inonie ofGods Spirit, but a prefumptuous phantafie, and a fecure and carnal! imagination : for the teftimonie ofGods Spirit in the confcience, is the fame with the teflimonie ofthe word, and therefore it doth not beate witneffe nor giue any affurance that theyare fatted, which Gods word pronounceth to bee in the Gate of damnation . When therefore this teftimonie is giuen in a faithful" man, and agreeable to Gods word ; it is the teftimonie of the Spirit which fealeth vs in the full aflurance of that wee beleeue according to that Ephefians1.r3. Where theApoftle faith, Ephef.r.r /. thatafter the faithfullhadreceiued the wordoftruth, eaten the Gofpelioftheirfaluation, and beleeued therein, they werepa- ledwith theholyririt o fpromt(. But thofewhomake nocon- fcience of hearing the Gofpell preached, and when they beare it, doe notbeleeueit, nor apply it to themfelues by a true