Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

*18Morn to difcerne the te,insonyofthefpiritfromprefunption. true2nd liuely faith, nor bring foorth anyfakes thereofina holy and Chriflian life, theyhaue neitherfaith nor Gods fpi- rit : and therefore if theyhate any perfvvafion of their ele- dtion and faivation;it is not the teflimonyofGods fpirit,but their ownephantafic, and a vaine opinion arifing fromcar- nall fecuritie andprefumption. ;.Sec`a.6. Secondlie, the teflimonie ofGodsSpirit may .herebybee ;4nother means knowne: firfl; in that itthroughlyperfwadeth the faithful of to dilce,ne the :their eleótion and faluation ; iecondly,by the manner ofper- teflimonteof fwading them; thirdly,by the effe&s ofthis teflimonic and thefpirit, perfwafion.For the firft,thc fpirit ofGoddoth not only giue this bare teflimonic that wce are ele6 ed, adopted, and shall befaued : but all() doth fulliepetfwade vs hereof,asbeing a thingmoll certaine:andwithout qucflion.So i.Cor.2.I2.the t.Cor.z.iz. Apolflefaith that wee haue received thefpirit ofGod, tat twee might know the things that are ',Time?' tovs ofGod.And Fphef. T. Eph.i.i718. 17.18.Godsfpiritis called the ( iritofry 'Ioa.eandrevelation, whichcloth inlghten theeies ofo:.rvn lerfa ding, that we ar+ ht k:uvwhat theJupe is ofhic calling, and trhat the riches ofhis glorioaas inheritance is in the Saints ; and lbhat is the exceeding greatneßèofhispo-ver, particularly towards vs thatbeleeme,ac- cordingIto theworking ofhismghtiepower.So the Apoflle Jahn t.Iohn. ;.z4, faitb, hereby zre knoll:, that Chris abideth tovs, eisen by therpirit whichhe pathgikien vs, i.Ioh.3.24.So that wemaybe affured_ that we haue Gods fpirit, .& therby be throughly perfwaded that Chrifl dwelleth in vs,and consequently that we are ele- and 4.13. &edand (hall bee faced. And chap.4.I 3. Merebyknow ire that wedLrellinhimandhe in vs.becau(2 he bathgincnvs o fhisspirit. And the ApofllePaulby ÿ fpirit ofGodwas fo fledfaflly a;f- fared ofGods loue,that beeprofeffeth bee was firmely per- ìotn.S, 0.39. (wadedthat nothingcould feparate him from it, Rom.8.38, 39.8o .that the fpiritofGod throughlyperfwadeth the faith- full that they are elected and (hall bee faced ; whereas the wickedwho-are deflituteofGods fpirit,may `vel haue afond opinion anda-foolifh conceit,that they are highlie inGods loueand elected to faluation, through carnali fecuritie and winepreftimption; but theyare neuer throughlyperfwaded hereof; for whenany affli6tionofbodieor ininde isinfli6led on