Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

§.SeEa.7. The third meartes to dif- cerne thefpi- rit,namclie by the/r, ices thereof. 3 zoHew todifcerne the teffinto:_y ofthefpiritfromprefumption. anyvrorthinefï'e inour felues,but fromGods free grace and vndeferued mercie, and from the righteoufneffeand merits ofChrift ; whereas Satan andour ovine fleíh neuervie fuch reafons, but either mooue vs to a bare and vaine opinion Nvhich hath no ground at all but (elfe-loue, which maketh meneafilie beleeue that which theydelire ; or els withfome arguments drawne from fome outward common benefits, beiowed indifferently vpon the good and bad;or lailly from apharifaicall conceit and falfe opinionofour owne worthi- nefhe and deferts. Lafllie, the teftimonie of Gods Spirit is knowne and dif. cerned by the effe6ts thereof; for after that it bath effe&ual, lie perfwadedvs,that we areele6ed & the Beare children of God,we are tnooued thereby to trutlwhollie in God,and to loue him as our gratious father; fromwhich loue proceedeth a zeale ofhis glorie,anda true hatred offinne,becautè there- byour heauenlie father is difhonoredand difpleafedwithvs and a true loue andheartie endeuour of imbracing holineffe and righteoufneffe,,becaufe thereby our gracious father is glorified and well pleafedwith vs. If therefore thefe effe6ts and fruites follow thisperfwafionofGods loue and our ele- ¿lion, wee may bee allured that it is theSpirit ofGod which Both perfwadevs; but ifweehaue no fuch truft and affiance, no fuch loue of God, no zeale of his glorie, no hatred of Pinne, no louenor delire ofembracing righteoufneffe, but retnaine as carnali, worldlie, andprophane as euerwe were, then let vsbragge as much as wee will ofour perfwafion of Gods loue andourele&ion, yet it is moll certaine that this perfwafion is notwrought in vs byGods Spirit, but that it is a vaine conceit and fond opinion which proceedeth from felfe-loue, carnall fecuritie,and fondprcfumption,which in theendvanifhingawaywill kauevs in defpairc. C[iAP.