Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Ofthe meane:, whereby wemaybeá(f"ured ofoureCeFtiosr. z g.. CHAP. IX. Ofthemeaner wherebywe may bea/frsred ofoureleCtìon. Nd thus haue Iproued that thofe whip are coriuer- tedvnto God,iullified, and in force meafiire fan- Thef,(f mca:: ¿Iified, mayordinarily attaine vnto the affurance ofbeth ibio to of their ele9ion : Now I will Phew thenseanes Ghoft. and fignes.whereby wee maybee thus allured. The firfl and principali meanes whichaffureth vs ofoureleolion,is the in- ward tefiimonie ofGods fpirit which'crieth in our harts Ab- Rom.8,1 s,16, ' ba father, andwitnefjeth vnto our grits that weare the children ofGod, as it is Kom.8.i 5.r-6. Which teflimonie it doter not giue byextraordinarie reuelation,but bya fecret application ofthepromifes oftheGo1pe11 vnto vs and by an inward co- operation whereby it maketh the outward miniflerie ofthe word effe6uall for thebegetting of faith invs, whereby as withanhandwee doe appropriate the generall promifes of the word vinoour owne (clues. And when the Miniflers vfe reafons to perfwadevsofGods loue inChrifl, jr holy.Ghofl openeth our. deafe cares, and inlighteneth ourblind vnder. flandings,and powerfully inclinethourwils,fo that we may attentiuelie heare, truely vnderfland,and be fully affuredof that truth which is delivered, not onely in refpeaof the whole Churth,butalto inrefpea ofour feluesparticularlie,. fo as we can fay,I beleeue that thefe promifesofGod are true, and that they belong to all the faithfull, and confequentlie vntomewho do beleeue and amaffuredofthem,fceing they are prornifedon noother condition. But the tempter will obieì, that many throughvarnall V iuersdife. prefumption doe perfwade themfelues; that all the promifes be teßrbmoriex ofthe Gofpell doebelong vnto them, and therefore.wemay the/pint eafiliebe deceiued, not being able todifcerne betweene the andprefumv- teflimonie ofthe fpirit and prefumptuous fecuritie.Ixnfwer, tutusftcItritie, that thofewhoare i'nduedwith Gods fpirit; may eafilie dif ecrne the teflimonie.ofthe fpirit from the carnall language of