Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

THE CONTENTS. giuenes ofhisfinnesgrcunded vpon Gods iu/ice. 438 CHAP. XXXIIII. Of the third reafongroundedvpon Gods truth. 441 CHAP. XXXV. Ofother reafons to prooue theforgisienes offinne, taken fromthe firfl perfon inTrinities 449 Ofother reafons toproue theformerpoint, takenfrom thefecond erfon in Trinities 450 Realns tapéfro the office ofChrifl toproueforgiuenes offin.4 j 5 Reafons takenfrom the third Perron in Trinstie, to prone the famepoint. 463 CHAP. XXXVI. Diners other reafons produced to thefamepurpof. 464 i . Becaufe it is an article ofour Creed. 464 2. Takenfrom the tef imonieofGodsfaithfull c 3'liniflers. ibid. 3. From thecontrarie tefimonie ofSatan. 66 4. From the experienc Gods rdoning others. 468 CHAP. Satans tentationwhereby heefisggefleth that theChriflian isnot effe ually cal, oivwee mayknow whe herwe be e eltuall y called ; and oft e ?manes ofe f feCtuall calling. 475 Satans tentation aufwered, whereby he perfwadeththeChrsfli- an that he loueth Cthe HAP. I,X and the XXVII I him. 478 Satan! tentations obiec`ting to the weak.e Chrifiian vnrepentineie andhardnes ofheart, anfwered. 485 Ofthe dicersforts o fhardneff e ofheart, andfirft ofthat which is infenfible. CHAP. XXXIX. 486 ()Moat hardnes ofheart which is ioyned with fenfe and feeling thereof. Confolationsforflab at bewaile their ímperfeE1 ions inhearing the word. 494 CHAP XL. ConfolationsforEach as bewaile their wants inprayers 498 CHAP. XLI. sob Of the infalliblefigues oftrue repentance. 4 3 That