O f the meaneswherebywemaybeafiredofoureleCtiox. 2 faith or anyfailing grace invs. Though therefore we do floc after long hearing oftheword, feele thisaffuranceofGodg roueand our ele6lion, yet let vsnotgiue it ouer but expeóó Gods blefling upon it, and Waite his leafire,affuring our felues that in the end,hee will make this his ovvne ordinance effeeivall for thofe ends,for whichhehath ordained it. The thirdmeanes whereby wemayattaine to the afl'urance ofour elevlion, is the frequent and religiousvfe oftheSacra- The third . ment ofthe Lords fupper,wherby our faith ismore and more mcanes,rhe confirmed in the truthofGods promifes.For the Lord to the Tyre oftheSc. preaching ofhis word which is the couenant ofgrace,4ath craments. added thefefeales thatwe might be the more throughlie al- luredofhis loue and fauour ;and therfore ifwe confcionably frequent this holy facrament, theLordwil bleffealto this his ownéordinance. Moreouer they who worthily receiue thefe holy mytleries,do receiue Chrifl Iclizs, &have the vnion and communion which is between him and them, more &more flrengthened and confirmed, for bee that eatethhisfielh and Iohn 6.54. drsnbeth his blood, dwelleth in Chris, and chrft in himAs itis 1°11.6.56. Now there is no condemnation to thole. that are in Rom.8. t. Chri/lleficsRom.8.r. and therefore theyneed not dotíbtof theireieeüon and faluation. The fourthmeanes wherebywemay be allured °fourele- 4.Sel.4, &ion, are the of eas ofGods predefiination, whichare the Thefourth vndoubted fgnes thereof; for the effeeis argue the caufe,as meanes, ¡be ef. the caufe the effe&s, and that not onlie in naturali things, kazoo core- but alto in tholewhichare fupernaturall and fpirituall : and zanch.deAt_' therfore as certainelieas we know thatthere is fire becaufe it trib.1.5.cap..z. cafieth forth heate,and the funby his "calling forthofbright raies whereby theworld is lightned, and that a tree is good by the good fruites which it bringeth forth, fo alfo maywe as certainelybeaffured that we are elect}edof°God,when we ' finde in ourfelues the effeets and vndoubtcd fgties ofour e- le6tion. Neitherare thefe effe6tsbare fgnes onelieofcur ele&ion, but allomanifef leales which by theirplaine impreflion, doe tuidently affare vs thereoffo that though we donot direelly :and immediatly know"Gods ele6tion,predefiination,& eter- nail decreeofour faluation inGod himfelfe,eleeiing,predeb ... fiinating,