Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

1 ."1/4\. tf themeane wherebywemaybeofsredo f oureleEfiott. 22y Ignorance, without the knowledge ofGod, andhis Sonne Chrifl,we can gatherno afhurance vnto our feluesofour ele- &ion; for iftheforeknowledgeofCod had fhined vponvs, thebeanies thereofwouldhaue illuminated our hearts, foas Vve fhould by their light haue knowneGod alfo. The likemaybe faidofGods eternall loue,wherewithbe.Gas form bath lowedvs inChrifl; for God lowingvs, hath imprinted cafeofam the image ofhis loue in ourhearts,wherebywee loue hitn a- lc". gaine : and when.this heauenly beateof Gods loue hath de- fcended on vs, and warmeth our cold hearts, frozen in the dregges ofPanne, then doe wee refle& fomeofthofe beanies ofGods loue towards him againe. And this the ApofileJohn plainelie fheweth a .Ioh.4.19.where he faith that,re loue God T./oh 4.19; 6ecauf bee lottedvsfare`?; that is, by that eternall loue where- with God lowedvs inChrif},there is imprinted in our hearts the loueofGod.And hence it is that he faithverf.7.thatloue Verfeo commeth fromGod : becaufe we can neither Ioue God,nor our neighboursaright,till his loue towardsvs hauing fhined vponvs, hath inflamed our hearts.So the ApofflePau/faith, Rom.5.5. that the loue ofGod isfhedakroad inour- hearts;$y the RotniVT. holy GhoJl which isgiuen vetovs; whereby loue towards God isbegotten invs.Iftherfore the loue ofGodbe inour hearts,. we maybe affured thatit is but an impreffion which is made invs, by thePeale ofhis loue towards vs, but a little fparke kindled by thisheauenlie flame, and a (mall model! or little counterfeit refembling the infinit loueofGod, wherewith from all eternitie hebath lovedvs in Chrif}.Thusallo Gods eternalelc&ion,whereby beforeal worlds he hath chofenvs inChrifl, dothmakean iinpreflìon, and fealeth in our hearts the forme or image thereof, whereby we make choife ofthe true God Iehottah,amongf3t all the Godsofthe nations tobe our onelyGod,whomwe will ferue and worfhip. And ther- fore ifwe haue made thisele&ion, and dedicated ourfelues whollie toGods worfhip and feruice alone, it is a moil cer- taine figne ofour eleólion, whereby God bath chofen vs: for our choofing ofGod is an effee`l ofhis choofingofvs,and an impreffîonor printwherewith byhis ele&ion hebathPea- ledvs. And thus it appeareth that the effe6ts ofGodseleeciondo §,3e11,ß, Qz not