Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Thefirfi efeíl ofour eleáion is our Santora Chrifi,by whom weare aJfured ibat wearee- lolled. s.Cor. z ;.;. §..Se11.6. The Non /eaofoar e- leaion,is our efcaaall cal- ling. 22,$' Ofthèmeant., whereby iremaybeaf îsrcdofour eleaíost. not onelieas fgnes fignifie, but alto as fealesconfirmevnto vs the affurance thereof: but let vs further confider the fpe vial effe&sofour eledion,wherbywe maybe affured that we are chofe ofGod.The fira effeì,is our Sauior Chris}hitnfelf, fet apart ofGod tobe mediator to reconcile all Godsele6 vetohitn,dwelling in vs, byhis fpirit;who may iufllÿ be cal- led the firti effete of Gods ele&ion, becaufe all the other,. namelyour vocation,iuíiification,fanc tification,& faluation, are byhim.& through hini alone.Whofoeuer therforeare of -- fured that Chrií dlvelleth in them, & they in him,theyhaue amoll vndoubted ligneoftheir eleelion: &whofoeudr haue_ notChrifl dwelling in theby his fpirit,can haue no affurance. that theyarechofen,as the Apoflle plainly fbeweth.z.Co.i3. g. Know younot(faith he) that IefueChris is inyou except you bereprobates ? buthow (hall weeknow whether Chrifl dwe.l-. leth thus in vs & we in him? the Apoflle telleth -vsRom.3. r . that thofewhoare inChriif Iefiu'tballZs not after the ffefh bast aft terthefjirit,that is,thofe who do not willinglyfubmit them- felues to be ruled and ledby the lutis ofthe flefh, but labour and firiue torefill and fubdue them, fiudying and indeuou- ring to liue afpirituall life, inholineffe and righteoufiiefhe. For in whomfoeuer Chrifl dwelleth byhis fpirit,thofe he re- generateth and raifeth from the deathof finne, to newnes of life;and his blood is effe&uall,not onely to.purgethem from the guilt offinne, but alto to cleanfe them in fome meafure from thecorruptions themfelues. The fecond effe& ofour eleélion,isour effe&uall calling; wherbywe are feparated from the world, and ingrafted into Chrifl,and made liuely membersofhisbody:and this is done ordinarilyby the diligent andattentiue hearing ofthe word, ioynedwith the inward operation ofGods fpirit. If therfore w ehaueheardGods wordpreached diligently & attentiue lie ; iftherebywee haue attained vnto theknowledge.ofthe worke ofour redemption wrought by Iefus Chriti,and are delighted therewith ; ifby thismeanes wee haue our hearts fomewhat weaned from the world, and fixed vpon our Saui our and heauenlie things; and thinking it fufñcient tohaue fpent the reti ofour hues pail in the lulls oftheGentiles, doe line,hence forward afterthe.wil ofGod: theare we truly and effeetually, 20P4c.4s2.3.