Ofthemeawes'>xherebyiremay"beRffuredofour eleí`fidn. -29 effeá'lually called, for thofeare Chrifls fheepe that heare his voyce and follow him, Ioh.io.4. Thofe areingrafted into his body,who bring forth the fruites of.gòdlineffe:foras the branch canbring forth no fruite except it abide in the vine, fo neither can webrim; forthany fruitesofpietieand righte -- oufüeffe except wee abide inChrifl; and therefore ifwe doe bring forth thefe fruits,it manifefllyappeareth that we are in Chrifl, and confequently trulycalledand eleeled, for without himwecoulddonothinx, as it is Ioh.. 5.4.5 The third effeel' ofGods le6tion,is our iuflification,con- fining in the remiflìon of ourfirmes, and the imputation of Chrifls righteoufnes:and to this is required atruc and liuelie faith, which affureth.vs ofthe retniffionofour finnes,and ap- plieth vnto vs Chrifts rightcoufizefie. Ifthere"forewe beleeue that our finnesarc forgiuen, ifwe doby faith applie vntovs 'Chrifl and his righteoufüefle,w'e may be affured that weare iuflified,ánd confequentlieelcéled.Now this perfwafion and liuelie faith,is difcernedby the fruites thereof,for it purifieth our hearts, and workethby loue; and it worketh in vsan ha- tred offinne,and lone ofrighteoufüeffe, which is our faneli- fication. So that our fanuification which is the laPr effe& ofGods eleLion wrought in vs in this life,is the true touchfloue ()fa! therefl: whereby wee may certainelie know whetherwe effeeluallie called, that is,fëparated from the world, and in- grafted as liuelie members into the bodie ofChrifl;and whe- ther we be truelie iuflified, that is,purged from the guiltand punifh,nent ofour finnes by_Chriflsblood and adorned with his righteoufheffe imputed vnto vs. For ifwce be feparated frori the world,then doe wenot fet our mindes vpon world- lie things,but haue our eonuerfatiosz in heauen fromwhence rye lac'k fora rattiour,eue;ithe Lard Je fsChri¡l;ifWeare "ingrafted into the bodyofChrifl who is the true vine,thc dowebrin.g. forth the f.veete grapes ofholineflè and righteouices in our linesand conuerfations,as it is Ioh:"r 5.5 ; it haue by a true faith the affurance ofthe retnifiion ofour finnes,thenwill we loueGodwho hath forgiuenvs fb great a debt,and labour to expreffe our loueby glorifyinghis caufingourlight toThine beforemen; and if the blood ofChrifl beeffeauall 3 ' vnto.. Iohn to.;fe Ichn 4.4:ß §.Se.7. The third ef- fia is our iu- Qificatict. $.Seti.8. The fourth ef- fea is ourfan- Cisfeaftiou, vvhich ¡slim touthflone of all the re. Phil. ;. xo. Iohn.ts.f.