;30 Of.themeanswhereby wemay beararedofoureletíore. -untovs for thepurging away ofthe guiltand puni(htnent of fin, thenwill it alfo in forne meafure purge away the corrup- Rotu.6, 5.6. tions themfelues.Forwe aregrafted zest bhim into the fmthtude o fhie death and refurre 1ion, and our adman is crucified *hi) him andthehodie o fíndefi'-royed, thatfrom henceforthweAould notferee ¡rnne, as it is Rom.6.5.6. And as our fanuificationis the onclievndoubted true ofourvocation and iuf+ification; fo alfoofour eleófion ; for the Lord hath chofen vs that we Ephef..i.,t, fhouid bee holy, Ephef.r .4. And therefore ifwcebe holy we haue amanifet+ cftèót and iufeparable fruite ofour eleótion; ifwe benot holynor make confcience offeruing the Lord in the duties o pietic and chrit+ianitie,wee haue no affurance that we are eleó}ed : for though,.the foundation of Godre- maineth fure.on.Godspartbeing falcd and confirmedin his eternal' counfell, yet iris not fealed in our:hearts vntill wee s,Tim, 2.19. depart front iniquitie,as it is a.Tim.2, t9. Though then there bee no placeveto our fan&tification in Gods decree,as beingany caute thereof; and therfore when the quetlion is asked whywe are ele&ed,wemuffanfwer,not for any deferts or holineffe inour felues,butbecaufeofGods good pleafure and vndeferuedgrace ; and when it is.deman- ded inwhoin wee. are. eleóted, weemuli reply in Chrifi Iefus only:yet there is chicle place vnto our fanófifica:ion in the af- furanceofourcle&ion.fo that when the queftió is askedwho are eleó'ed, anfwere is tobe made,thofe onelie who are alto 1-16.1z.14, fanuified inGods good time byhisgracions f.pirit;for zt ith- o it. thzs hohnele no rn.:n11.ta.'1cf crfee God as it is Hcb;i 2.14. §.Sea,9. Now our fan%ficationdoth principallie confili in a loue of VI/hereinour righteoufneffe,and atrue hatredoffinne; fromwhencepro- ficatioU ceedeth anearner+ delre, and heartie indeuour of forfaking `onfftctb. that which is euill, and ofcleauing vnto that which is good: and for the better eWeóóting hereof,a carefulfIludie ofmorti- fying the flefh and thelails thereof,and paineful diligence in vfingall goodmeanes whereby the fpirit maybe f+rengthe- ned, and the gifts and graces thereofencrcafed,that fo wee may not be fo prone to fall into that finnewhich we hate,nor fobackward in imbracingand following that rtghteoufnefe and holineffe whichwee loue. And this is the fan&ification which is an iufeparable fruite and effe1of Godseleó+ion in al