23 2 O f themeaner herbywemay be ffuredofoureleEiion. ?'fie vfe efthr .gcrargument can be imagined tomake vs flee finnc, and la- fit r rmer e.e- bour after mortification and newneffeoflife;whatkeener. knife canbevfed to cut in funder the cordsofvanitie,where- in naturally weare fettered and intangled;what (harper ípur toprick vs forward in the courfeofgodlineflè, than to know andconfider that byour fanelification and holineffe oflife,. wee are certainlyaffured Godhathele&ed. vs, to beheires. ofthe vnfpeakable ioyes of his kingdome, and that by our wicknedneffe and profaneffe wehaue no lefle certaine.affu ranee that we thall haue our portion foreuer in the lake that burneth with fire and britn11one ? for ifwee liue holly like trueChriílians on earth, wee fliall line happily like glorious Angels inheauen : but ifhere we lie frozen in the dregges of our fins,without any fenfe offorrowfor thofcwhich are paff, or at?y.defire.andpurpofeofheart to forfake them in the time tocorn we (hall be thruft from the Lordamong(} the wor- kersofiniquitie,and thewrathofGod íhall purfue,ouertake and confumne vs. What finne therefore canbe foplcafant to our tafle,which this confideration will notmake morebitter then wormwood? what dutie ofholineffeand righteoufheffe fo difpleafant andgrieuous,which this will notmake fveete and delightful) ? l Set.ij, Now that wee maynot deceiueour felues with acounter- Diuers kifielsof feit holineffe, in (leado true fanhification, we are to know counterfeit ho- that this affurance offaluation,doth not proceed from euerie linefewhich kinde ofholineffe,but from that which is true and vnfained : //lie ao alp- for there is an holineffe ofthe tongue,feueted from theholi- Ilex ce eJ our. e= neffeofthe heart, inPhew but not indeede, in rofeffion but. decion.. p not inprali(c; there is an holineffein performingoutward duties ofGods feruice, (-cuffed from righteoufneffe towards our brethren; there is anholines in leauing force or themof} dunes, without any def.-ire or purpofe to forfake Tome oneor two finsbywhichwe receiue greatefi pleafure or profit;there isan holines'in tithing mint and cumtnin, which negleð the waightie thingsofthe law,andwhich maketh cleane the outfide ofthe platter & cup, leauing the infide full ofrapine andexceffe; andoutwardlymaketh a glorious golden thew, when as within there is nothingbut putrifaeìion and rotten rtes.: there is an holineffe which confifteth in the pharifaicall ccnfuring