Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Ofthe meaner rrherby ryem.y beafured o four efe7àón. 23 3 cenfuring ofpoorepublicanes,and inextollingour ownver- tues.The hrfi kinde is ofthofe whom theProphet reproueth, Efa.29.I 3. who drew neere vntoGod with their lipswhen Efa.z9.13:. as their hearts werefaire from him : and ofthofe \ti'horn the Apofile brandeth,z.Tim.3 , j whomake a[he* ofgodlines,bua zTim35 in their lutes deny thepo rer thereof- :inwhich ranke many pro- feffors alto in thefe daies may fitly march.The fecondkind is ofthofeevho are content to fettleGod in the outward duties ofhis worfhip,becaufe they finde themgood cheape, yea of- ten gainful;but cannot away with righteoufnes,becaufe that is fometitnes painful' and fomtimes requireth cofl.And thefe men in {leadofmakiná godlineffe their gaine,make a gaine ofgodlineffe. The third kind is Herds holinefle,\vho heard John gladly&did many things, yet couldnot abide to leaue his inceíl: and fuch holineffe is in fomenow adaies,who will be content to leaue all groffe outward fins, fo theymay con- tinue in their couetoufnes and voluptuoufnes. The fourth is theholineffe ofthofePharifieswhicharemoll zealous ince remonies and their own traditions, but keycold in thofe du- ties which rnofl concerne Gods glorie and their neighbours good.The lall kindewas theholineffe of theancient Phari- fics,and is theholineffe ofour newBrownif}s, whoplace the moll oftheir religion in cenfuring and condemning thecor- ruptions oftheChurch, and mifdemenours ofprivate men, not looking into their o`.vne fins ofhellifhpride,bitterneffe, ¿nuie,and want ofcharitie... But noneofthefe,no nor yet all rhefe ioyned together,wil §.Sec`s, g2.. euer giuevnto vsany foundaffurance of our ele&ion.; but it Thefruites is that true fanclification indeed, whichbeginneth not in the andproperties mouth but in theheart, and fan&ifieth our will andaffedli- of truelane7'i- 1leatton. ons,making vs to loue & to-imbrace toour vttermofl power, vertue andgodlineffe,and to abhorreand flee frorn.fïnne and iniquitie:and from theheart it proceedeth to the tongue and hands, making the wordof God and all hohe conferences honie in the mouth, and inciting vs to thepra&ife of that whichwe profeffe. It alwaies approueth golden pietie to be pure,andwithout mixture ofthedroffe ofhypocrifie, by the touchflone ofrighteoufnef:fe;itis as careful inapprouing the heart & fecret aetions vntoGod as theoutwarda6tions vnto men;