Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Ofthe %r netandinfallible ;totesofottreleciion. 235 the diuell,fiall worfhtphim in boitnehreandrighrc iirelfeall theLuk.a.74.7ç. d liesoftheir life; what hope ofredctnpticnand faluation can theyconcciue, who liue in impietieand vnrighteoufnes,fee- ingbyGods oath they are excluded fromboth, while& they continue, in this f}ate ? CHAP. X. OftheAgnes and infallible noter ofour eleflion. Nd thus baneI let down the means wherby we f .Sell. r. may be affuredofour eleC'cion: now let vs con- me fitfi fgre, Cider ofTome fpecial Agnes which are infallible an caPnet de- fire notes ofthofe that areelcéled. Thefirfi flgne is meanes ter the he an earneddefreafter the meanes ofour lalua- falssatiae. tion,and a confcionable endeuour invuing them after ween- ioy them. For the endand'themearles are neuer feparated in Godsdecree,and therfore thofe that carefullyvfe the meaner may beeanted thatthey (hall attaine vnto the end. For ex- ample, the hearing ofGods word is the chiefe meanes ofour conucrfon,being made effe6ival by the inwardoperation of Gods fpirit; and as therebywe arebegotten viito God,foal- fo it isthat breadofiifè,wherewith our foules are nourifhed and flrengthened in all foirituall graces.So that whomfoeuer Godhath clewed, thofe he-hath decreed tocall ordinarilyby thefe incomes; and by the fame_alfo to fcunifh with his graces being called. Whofoeuer therefore labour to purchafe this precious pearl,,«hofoeuer hunger after this heauenlyMan- na,and are content to enjoy it notonly whê it is good cheap, but alto when it is verychargeable,whofeeuer enjoying it do attentiuely anddiligentlyheare it &receive it with delight; theyvfe the in canes oftheir faluation, and therefore maybe affured that they are eleaed,for themearles & the endgo to- gether.And that this is a note ofGodschild,it appearethIoh. io.3 4.where our Sauior faith that his (beep hearehisvoice. bolin And Mat.' 3.45he compareth the true member oftheking- Metclt, t domofgrace toaMerchant,who rather thenhe wouldwant 3 4fß thepreciouspearl, ofGods vvord,felleth al hehath to buy it Thofe therefore whomake this precious account of Gods word,