Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

ar - '236 Oftbe ftgnes and infallible notes ofourelec` ton. word,andcarefully,diligently and attentiuely heare it when they enioy it,may to their cófort allure themfelues that they haue anvndoubted fagne oftheir eleóion. And on the other (ide,thofe who had rather beewithout it than enjoy it,thofe who «ail bellowno coil to obtaine it, nor forgo any pleafure or commodity that they may heare it, nor when they doe hears it are affe&ed with any delight, but are glutted with 'loathing fatiety,hea-ring no part ofthe ferrn6with any plea- fure but the conclufiononelie ; they canhaue no affuranceof their eletion,becaufe they negle& the meanes ,oftheir fal- uation, which are ioyned with the end inGods eternall de- cree. The like allo maybe faidofother meanes,as the recei- uingofthe Sacraments,meditating inGods word,theworks ofholiueffe and righteoufneffe,and the ref}. The fecond fagne ofthofe that are ele&ed, is the fpirit of the¡econd 'fttpplication, when as they powre foorth their foules in ftgne, thefpirit feruentand effeó uall prayer vnto theLord, confeffing their .offeppixation. fins,and imploringhis grace and mercie : for this is a notable fruit ofGods fpirit working invs,which we shot byany na- ;Rom:8.2.6, turall meanesattaine vnto;for ofourfelueszrek!no' notwhat to pray a5 weought, but thefpirit helpethour infirmities,andmaketh requeflforvs ?bith /ghes which cannot beexpreged,as it is Ro .8. 26. Prayer therefore is amot} ínfeparable fruit andvndoub- ted fagneofGods fpirit,and Gods fpirit certainely affurethvs ofourele6tionand adoption, for it bearethwitneffe with our Verfetó. ,j? irrts that we are thefonnesofGod, r is faid,that whofaeuer calupon thename ofthe Lordfoal be 3. faced. But this prayer unit}proceede from faith;for,as it fol- loweth, Flowfllal theycal onhim inwhom they bauenot beleeued? andmuf}be performed in fpirit and truth, and not with de- ceitfuil lips; for it is to no purpofe to draw neere vnto God Efa,i9.t;, with our mouthes,ifour hearts be farre fromhim,Efa.29.13. SeF .3. The thirdhgne ofthofe whoare eleóled and adopted to be The third the childrenofGod,is;when as their harts are fomwhat wen.- iswhen Ire are ned from the world, & feated in hearten minding the things vveanedfrom that areaboue; and when their tongues being fet a work by .the loue ofthe theheart, doe gladlie entertains godlie and religiousconfc- vvortdand rentes; for thereas the treafure is,there will the heart be alto, mindbrawn- to things. and withwhatfoeuer the heart is affeeted,the tongue is de- lighted. INN,7