Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

. OftheAwesduelinfallible notesofourefe5ion. 237 lighted. Now that thefe holie meditationsand religious dif- courfes are fgnes of 57 child ofGod, hereby it plainly appea- reth ; in thatthey cannot poflîblyproceed from our corrupt nature, to which theyare irkfome and tedious, but from the fpirit ofGod dwelling invs,andguidingand direóting vs in wur thoughts and words; and whofoeuer are thus ledwith the fpirit ofGod,theyare thefans ofGod,as it is Rom. B.r 4.11e that Roca 8.4. is right heire to a roiall kingdomeandnot yetpoflèfled ther- of, is neuer wearie of thinking on it, nor gluttedwith fuch difcourfes as tend to the extolling the riches& glorie which there attendhim,or Phewÿmeanes whereby he maybe affu- red to come into fUeedy &peaceable poffef ion ofhis right : and fo thofe whoareele&ed byGod,andadopted tobee the heires ofhis cuerla(+ing kingdonmeofglorie, are neuer fatif fled inmeditatingand (peakingofthe riches& ioyes.ofthis heauenly inheritance,orofthemeanes whereby theymaybe affuredvndoubtedly to obtaine it ; whereas thofe who haue no fuch intereft nor hopes,think & talkof thefe things with loathfomewearines,asbeingmattersnot concerning them; and therefore when filch thoughts come into their mindes, . theyvanifh as fuddenly as a fla(h oflightning,andwhé they are prefent at any fpirituall difcourfesthe time feemeth long, and they fit vpon thornes vntill, they be ended ; and they re- mine dui/the as though theywere tongue-tied, vnleffé they . take occafionto interrupt fuchh.olie conferences, and to di-- . uert them to force worldlyafai.res. The fourth figne ofthe child ofGodwho is ele&ed to fat.: §'.Sect`. uation,is, when he feeth his fins and imperfeó 'tions, and.tru_.The faurtü ly repentethof them,tharis,bewaileth thofe which arepaf+, theof`nx and endeuourethto forfake them in the timetocome. For std farrow naturallywe are blind,andyet donot perceiue our blindnes, forit. . we are moll fihfull and ttiferable, and yet donot fee ourfins,. and miferie,but with the proudPharifie and iu(liciaryPapifl wee thinke our feiues righteous,andwith the Churchofthe" Laodiceanswe imagine that we are rich&haue needofüo- thing,no't knowing that we arewretched,miferable, poore, Rtue1.3.17. blind,andnak'ed,vntill itpleafe the Lord to annoint our eyes.. with theeye-falue ofhis fpirit,wherebywe are inabled todi- feerne ÿ puregold ofChrillsmerits,which only maketh rich, from