Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

3 3 Of the f ÿne.r gad infallible notes ofour eleM exit: from the droffe ofour owne works,and the white raiment of Chrifts obedience from the polluted rags of our own righ- teoufneffe. And thoughwee fee our finnes, yet naturally we arenot lorry for them,naywee delight our felue s with their remembrance;or ifwefuflaine anygriefe,it isnot forthe fin, but for the punifhment whicheither we feele pre fently infli- o`led,or feare as beinghereafter threatned, vntill itpleafe the Lord to adopt vs for his fonnes, and toglue vs the fpirit ofa- doption,whrch moueth vs togrieue and forrow for our fins, not fomuch forfeare ofpunifhment,as for fon-like affeion, becaufeby our finnes haue difhonored anddifpleafedour gratiousand louing father : andbccaufe wee cannot wholly mortifie themfo long as wecontinue in this life,we lamenta- blycry out with Paul,Wretchedman that Ionwho /haalldeliuer mefrom thisbodyofdeath?And becaufe we know that we (hal be neuer freed fromit altogether fo long as we liue,we with: earneflly with theApoflle that wemay be fpeedily diffolued, being contented to part with our liues, becaufewe can no o- therwifepart with ourlines. Whofoeuer therefore hath this forrow for finne,hee maybe alluredofhis ele&ionand falua- * tion :for asit fin-rowcaufethrepentance untofaluation not to be repFredof?vheras worldlyfarrow caufeth death ; andall thepromifes oflifeand eternall happines,are made onely to fuch repentant finners,and to them onely they appertaine. And aGods children are grieued for their fins pall, fodoe they hate and detell them,as in all others fo efpe.. ciallie intherrìfelues,which hatred caufeth them to flee from them,and auoid all occafions whichmight caufe them to fall into the like wickednes, finuing & endeuouring tomortifie their lullsand euill.concupifcences,and to lead their lines in holineffe and righteoufiies,becaufe herewith their heauenlie father is well pleafed.-Whereas the wickedman,ifheebe not refirained with a feruile feare ofGods iudgcméts, or oftem- porariepunithmenxs,goeth on in-his laneswithpleafure and delight,adding drt4nkennes vnto thirfl,and drawing iniqui- tie unto him with the cordsofvanitie. Whofoeuer therfore haue this fon-likecare,and holie endeuour offorfaking their fïnnes,andbetaking themfelues to feare the . Lord.inthe du- ;ties ofholines and righteou nefíe, theymay bee affured that