Ofthelinesaridinfalliblenotes ofoureletlion. 2.39 theyare eleáed and adopted to beethe fonnes ofGod ; but thofewhohaueno fuchpurpofe ca neuer haue this affurance; forif they1,vere the fans ofGod,theywould bee affe6ed like louing children to fuch a gratious father. The fift figneof the child ofGod elehed to faluation,is, 4.Sec`tt.5. when as feelinghis owne miferic and wretchedneffe,he ear- mefifthjrgneq -, nefllie delrreth & euen as it werehungrethand thirfleth after is an hungring Chrilis righteoufnes,looking for lifeand faluation in hima- de¡ire after lone ;. for fuel as thefeour Sauiour Chriacallethvnto him: cbr:fts rtgbte- ouleeffe. loh.7.37.tfanymanthtrf let himcome vnto me anddrink; and john 7.37. to fuch hepromifeth euerlafling. happines, Reue1.2 r.6.. I will Reur1.2,i.6, give to him that is a tbir/.lofthewell ofthe.water oflifefreely, of which whofoeuerdrinkcth,Galnewer be morea thirft,btat itJhalbe Tan 4e in himawedofwater fbrin mg vp.. vnto euerlacing life. And to this we may adde alto, anhighandincomparableefimation ofChrifl and his righteoufneffe, after that we are affitredof them, whereby wee prife and value them fo muchaboue all worldly things,that with Paul we efleeme them al but droffe and dung in refpe6t ofgainingChrifl,Phil.3.8.&are content Ph13.8. not oncliewith the Merchant tole!! all we haue that<we may buy thefe preciouspearles, but alfo.to fuller tribulation, an- guifh,perfecution ,famine,nakednes,periil, fword, yea death it felfe, rather than wee would befeparated from the loue of Rom.8.3%. Chrifl,as the Apofile fpeaketh,Rom.8.3 5. The fixt figne ofthe child ofGod, is the inward combatg.Scci.6% which they feele,between the flefh and the fpirit, wherbyon Thegetfigne,is theone fide they aredrawnevnto finne,andon the other hide theànruard incited vnto holieobedience; .now delighted in the law of fight betareene ' God and yet foone after led ca ptiue voto fitine onewhile theflefhaad Y 1 ; tbejpàràt. rowing againfl the tide oftheir carnali affe6ti6s,and another while-carriedviolently downe°the flreame,byreafon oftheir weakeneffe, and the firength of their inbred corruption.For naturallywegoe all one way,without anyfIop,oppofitionor. refifiance, euen the broad way which leadeth tohel 'andde- fru&ion : naturally we ferue finne,and tia illingly fubieaour felucs tohue in the bodageofour fpiritual enemies,vntil the. Lord doe withhisholy fpirit renew our wil,and fanétifie our affeelions,working in vsan carnet+delire to comeout ofthis rnift:rable captiuity,thatwe mayattainsunto theglorious betty.