Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

"140 Ofthefgnes andinfallible notesofour election, bertyoftheTonnes ofGod: whichrenuingand fan&ificati< on,becàufe it is donebut inpart, therefore is it oppofed by the contrarie corruption which wee hauebynature, fo that what the fpirit loueth the flefhhateth,what the fpirit imbra- ceth the flefh abhorreth, what the fpirit would hauevs doe, the flcfh hindreth and inforceth vs to leaue vndone, with whatfoeuerÿ fpirit is delighted, with that the flefh is vexed and difpleafed; and this fpiritual fight is in al Gods children, Rom.7.Z3. as appearethRona.7.23.Gal.5.17.which fhould bee fo farre from difcouraging vs,that nothingmore can allurevs ofour elution; fornaturallywe areal flefh,wholly fubmitting our felues to be ruledbySatan, neither is there anyfight or op- pofition in vs,for Satans kingdome is not divided againft it felfe,and whiiefl the thongmanwholy keepeth the houfe,al that hepoffefffeth is inpeace,vntill our SauiourChrifl,by the operationofhis fpirit,thrufethhimoutofhispoffeffìon,and feeketh to rule invsby the fcepterofhisword ; and then the diuell ragethand friueth tokeep his hold,and the flefh flor- :meth, defiring Rill to ferue his old matter. When therefore we feele this inward fight within our felues, we maybe affu- red that Chrift is come todwell inour hearts byhis holy fpi- rit,andconfequently, that wee are the childrenofGod, and heires ofeuerlafling life,foras many as recerue him, to them he John 1:12. giuespaper tobe thefonnes ofGod, euen to them that beleene in his name,asit is Iohn t .I 2. §.Se3.7. The feuenth ligneofthe child ofGod is new obedience, TheTenenti, when as he applies his hart to the keeping ofGods comman- figne,isnew dements,defiring and indenouring to ferue the Lord inholi- obedience. nes andnewnes oflife;for stonyman keepeth Godswordinhim i.tohn.:.$. is the loneofGodperfeEt indeede, andherebywe k iotb that weare in him, as it is 'John 2.5. Andnhofoeuerabider in him fnnetb not, u- hofoeuer /'nneth bath notTeen hran, neither bath knowne Chap,3.rseç him, as it is chap.3.verf.6. So In this are the children 6. to. ofGodknowneandthechildren ofthedined, whofoeuerdoth not rrghteoufnet a is not ofGod, &c. So that our new obedience isa figne ofthe child ofGod,and thenegle61 therofamarke ofthe child ofdarkneffe.Butwe are not to vnderfiand this of that exa6t obedience which is required in theLaw;for there- bynone lining can haue any affurance oftheir eleelion and faluatioa