Ofthefgnesand notesofonr.elerlion. 20 faluation,butratherofreprobation and damnation ; but it is to be vnderflood ofan euangelicall obedience, whichconey fleth in an holy deutreand earnci+ endeuour of keeping all Gods commandements; withwhich the childrenof Godare lbwhollypoífeffed, that after their true conuerfion it is itr- poffible that they fhould fall into 'anyknowne fnne,with full content ofwill andwith theirwhole hearts. And this is the obedience which the Gofpell requireth,andofwhich the A- poflle fpeaketh, and thus wee neuer finne but keere all Gods commandements, namely, in refpeáá ofour defire and ear- nett endeuour. This is that righteoufneffe which is accep- ted,as though it wereperfeabefore God, who firareth vs as aman (pares his forme whom bee tenderly loueth, as he pro - fefíeth;Malach.3.17. and therefore meafureth our obedie :ce not according to our aécions, but according to our aWe- é+ions,and acceptethofthe will for the deed,asbeforeI haue Cewed. But vetthatwe maynot deceiueour flueswith a counter- feit fhew, wee are to know that this euangelicall obedience bath thefeproperties; fill+, it mull be totali, andthat bòth in refpe6l ofthe fubieot andof the obie.&; that is, we mull not fhare our felues bctweene God and the world, giuingone the tongue,the other theheart; one our outward aelions,and the other our inward affedrions; but we mull performe our obedience with our whole hearts, yea with the whole man bodie fouleandfpirit: for thoughwe be regenerated andfair aified but inpart;yet is therenopart ofthewhole man vnre- generate andvnfanéhified, howfoeuer the flefhand the cor- ruptionof nature be fpread likewife and mixed therewith :throughout the wholebody and foule.And therefore though all our Obedience fauour ofthe flefh,and is mingled ith ma- nifold imperfedions, yet it do.th proceede from the whole Manbody andfoule,becaufe regeneration fromwhich it pro- ceedeth isnotofanypart alone,but ofthewhole man.So alfo it muff be totali in refiedl oftheobiel; for it is not fufftcient that with Herodwe obferue manythings, if we nourish wil- lingly any one finne taking thereinpleafure anddelight, but wemuff defire 'and-endeuour to forfake all our _finnes, and to Mal.;. ta. 4Set7.8. Thepropezties of trueobcdi- ence: fif,t,tbat it mull be to- tall and entire.