A THE CONTENTS. Thatfaithdone iu. ifieth,proouedbothby teilimoníes and reel.: fans. 58o That not our owne,but Chrifis righteoufneffe is thematter ofour ita f cation. 58 . CHAP. I.I. Satan: tentationsmowing the weak.e Chriltian to doubt ofhk iu- fiification, anfwered. Ate' 587 THE CONTENTS OF THE third Booke. CHAP. I. Offanîtification, whatit is, and thecaufes thereof. 593 CHAP. II, OftheofeEts,fubiett, obieët, and timeofourfanttifccation. 599 CHAP. III. Ofthe partsof fanEtification, mortißcation,and viurfication,and how theyare vreught invs. 6o3 CHAP. IIII, Satans tentations, whereby hee inticethvs to commit finne, an- fwered. 609 (Many reasonsferuingaspreferuatrues, tobeep vsfromthe con- tagion o f fanne. 611 CHAP. V. Of the twoforts ofpreferuatirses tokeepe vs from falling into pine. 617 CHAP. VI. Of fome#eciallmeans whereby we may bepreferssed from corn. mitring rune. 62Z CHAP, VII. Satans temptations ,whereby hedifcourageth theChriflian in the worke offanEiification, anfwered. 6z5 7hacin themoltfandified, remaineforre reliques offinne, and the can[is thereof. ib That our lìoantsand corruptions fhould not difcourage vs, but redouble our care anddiligence. 6%8 Confolations tokeepevs frombeingdifeouraged, whenwefee and feete ourwants andcorruptions. 6%9 The