242. OfthefzgtesAnd infalliblenotes o four :Wien... to-performe obedience vnto all Gods commandements ; for ifwe nourifhone firne in our hearts, it open a doore to let in more when wee are tempted vnto them; as weemay fee in the example of iler'ádand Iudru, the one harbouring incefl,the other couctoufneffe; ifWe negle6t willingly, obe- dience tooneprecept ofGods law,it wil foharden our harts and (careour confcienccs, that Tooneafter we (hall negle6 all. Iftherefore wee would haue out obedience acceptable Vfalm.It9.6. vntoGod,we muflwith theProphet Da3id,Pfal.ii9.6.haue Ioru. z.ao. YOerl vnto aitl vàdr corrrran errtert.c; or, ethatfazleth i:zone, o is tnitiefl, Fl,asitis Iam.2.io -. Tbefecond Seconrllyithis obediencemuflbe perpetuall,continuing in yroptrtie,!hat a con(}ant courfe from the time ofour tonuerfionw the end itmufi beper- . petuiittand ofour hues; for we are not to judgeofour felties orothers, confïant. by one or two ormany aecions whether they be good or e- uil,butby the whole tenourand courfe ofour liues,fo that he who in this refpea is holle and righteous, hee is fo accepted beforeCod,uotwihLIadingh is many falles and great infir- mities; he that in the courfe ofhis life is wicked and prú- phane,is focaeemed ofGod although lice feeme to himielfe and others religious by fits, and performeth many excellent duties and goodworks. It is therefore not fafl-îcient that we begin in the fpirit,if wee end in theflefh, Gal.3.3.' It is not f if cient toprof ire and pracaife godli neffe inour youth, if we breake offinour age; it is not enough tharwe enter into the Chriflian race and runne well in the beginning;if wee fland f1í11 in the midfi, orbefore we come to the goale ; for Math::4;43. heonly that endrrreth to.the erdfhall befaved,as it is Mat.24..3: L:uk9.6a. As for him that laieth -his hang on theplottah'crid lo4éthbzzcke; lore is not fit for Gods kn5dorne, as ourSauiour affirmethi Luk.9.62. The thirdpro- Lafily,our obedience mull be grounded vpon Gods word; pcrtic.that it and therefore performedbecaufe the Lord bath enioyned atzujt beg""' ftich duties vnto vs;it titufi proceedifroni faith,' hick iirfl pu- ttedon Crods rifzeth theheart and then work eth b lone ; it muff not bee rnrd,nc1 re- ? y feared io bis done for refpe6f, but ofa conf. ionable care of lorie+. performing our duties, and in a feruent zealeofGodsglories which is magnifiedwhenas-our lightes Thine before men; hicb. .