Ofthefinesandiìsfilliblenötes °Toureler i,n. 243 which zeale will makevs:goe forward inour courteofgodli- neffe, through emillreport,andgood report .honouranddifbonour...Ccr 6.$, And ifotirobedience fpring from thefe fountaines,and bee referred to this end that God therebymaybe glorified ; then will we make no leffe confcience ofiecret, thanofopen fns ; thenwill weebe no leffe readie to ferne God in the duties of pietie and righteoufnes vhen there is nowcitnes clout acti- ons,than ifall the world fhould looke uponvs ; then will we be as feareful tooffend God in thebreachofanyofhis com- mandements in curfecret chambers in the darks night, as in the Churchor market place at nooneday. . Theeight Pigneofthe child ofGod,is the loueofour bre- §.Set1.g. thren inobedience toGods commandement; ¶v hen as a man The eighthilt, loues intirelyaChrifiian,becaufe he is a Chriflian, & ingraf- is the loue of ted into the finebodieofChrift \\hereofhe is amember:for our brethren, betakje God as it is impofiible that one'memberofthebodie-fhould not hob commas. loue,cherifh,and defendanother,becaufe theyare cluickned deft vs. by the fame foule andgouernedby the fame head; fo it isnot poffible but that one true Chriflian fhould loue, cherifh,and defend another,becaufe theyare quickned by the fame fpirit, and ruledby the fame head Iefus Chrifi. And this is made a tnarkeofGods child bythe Apofilc dohn,i.Ioh.3.fg..Weknow ¿John ;.x . that we are tranflatedfrom death to life,becaure we loue the bre- thren: as the want of thisloue is a fure note of thechildof wrath,foras it followeth in the fame verfe,hee that loueth not hisbrother abideth indeath. Now the vndotibted Pignes ofloue and chriflian charity are Theigues of two ; gluing to thofe that want, and forgiuing thofe that of- true loue. fend; for it is a propertieoftrue loue tobebountifull,i.Cor. I Cor.z3.4, 13.4. as to all, fo efpecially to thofe that are of the .h.oufc- holdoffaith,as it is Gal.6.io; and on the other fide, He that Ga1ar.6. zo. hath this :a-orldsyod, andle'erh hisbrother haue neede,andfbut- z.Iohn 3.i7 tethvp his conpafon fromhim,he isdcl ituteofthe logeof' God, and confequentlyofthe loue of brethren, which is but a lfreame airing from this fountaine,-i John.3.17. And this Chri(liati liberalitie as it is a ligne of true loue, fo allo of our eleaion and faluation ; for our Sauiour Chrifi hash Mewed vs, that according to the -fè finites of charitie, and R aaiorms