Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Promiïer made to !Jaffe that fight. Apoc.s. & I. t.Cor.s.9. 4.SetJ. 3. Thehonor that will accompa- nieourv4 ioty . Z2 Reafoits to encouragevs tofight thisffrirituallconfïiff. ifnot inthe wholecourfe oftheir hues, yet at the houre of death whenas they (hall be able to make no refinance. Secondly, ifwe fight againf} thefe enemies and valiantly ouercotne, the Lordbath promifed to giuevs toBate ofthe tree oflife which is in Paradife, and the Manna that is hid, and that he will write our naines in thebook oflife,Apoc.a. and 3. that is,he will in this life bef}ow on vs all his fpiritual graces, and in the life to come replenifh vswith fuch toyesas neithereie bathfaene. nor eareheard,nor heart ofmanconceitaeà, I.Cor,2.9. Let vs therefore l}ricethat we may ouercotne, Nambreuis eft labor,prxmium ver? ¿ternum : Our labour is but fhort,but our reward (hall be eternall.On the other fide, ifwee confider Satans pay which he giueth vntohis foul diers,w-e (hall find that it is nothing but the pleafures of fin fora lcafon,and in the:endeuerlafling death and def}ru6}ion ofbodie and foule : For the wages ofgime is death, as it is Rom.6.23. Whotherefore is fo flothfull and cowardly that would not be encouraged, to fight the Lords battailes a- gainí}our fpirituall enemies, with fuch promifes made by who is truth it felfe and cannot deceiue vs? Who is fo defperate and foole-hardie as to fight vnder Satans banner, feeing thepaywhich he giueth is euerlaflingdeath, andvt,- ter confufion ? The third reafon tomoue vs to this fight, is the honour which will accompanie thisvi9orie : for ifearthly fouldiers will purchafehonour with the lofíe oflife, which is nothing elfe but the commendation ofthePrince,or applaufe ofthe vaine pebple;what hazard fhuldwenot vndergoin fighting the fpirituall combat, feeing our grand Captaine the Lord ofhof}s,and infinit multitudes ofbieffed Angels looke vpon vs and behold our combat, whole praife andapprobation is ourchiefe felicitie?What peril fhould wefeare,to obtaine acrowne ofglorie which is promifed to all that ouercome, and tobecome heires apparent ofGods kingdome ? On the other fide,the fhamc andconfufioneffacewhich (hall otter- take them who cowardly forfake the Lords flandard and yeèld vnto Satan, when as they (hall not dare to looke the Lord in the face vthofe caufe they haue betraied, fhould fettle