Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

OfSatanslirength. s Secondly,he telleth vs that wee wraftlenot with enemies of flefhandblood like vnto our felues, but with fpirituall wickedne%s,which are moOdangerous; becaufe being fpi- rits they can with incredible fwiftnes paffe from place to place whichare farre diflant,and therfore themore fitly take all aduantages, either irkaffaulting vs at their pleafure, or withdrawingthemfelues when they finderefiftance; being fpirits they can lie fecretly in ambuíhment,euen in our bed- chambers,and fo furprize vs when they finde vs in'oft retch- 1effe andfecure,for we cannot difcouer thembeforewe feele their affaults. Thirdly, he tellethvs that theyare inhighplaces, to note vnto vs that they haue gotten 'the aduantage of the vpper ground;& therfore the fight muff needs be dangerous when our enemy fighteth againfl vs fromanhigh place or fort,we Banding fo low thatwe are fcarce able to reachhim. But be- caufe earthlythings cannot fufficiently thew the power of our enemie Satan, thereforehe is called the Godofthisworld, z.Cor.4.4. z.Cor.4.4.tonotevntovs,that in refpedl ofworldly flrength and humane relftance, hee isafter afort omnipotent,that is, able todoewhathe lif},ifhe werenot reftrainedby Gods di- uine power,who alone is truely omnipotent, and ouerruled by no fuperiour. And thus you fee the puiefant power ofthis our fpirituall 4.Sea. 3. enemie. But thoughhe were ftrong,yet ifwithall he werea ofthe courage daftard andvoidofcourage,he were the leffe to bee feared ; au aciwf but as he is very ftrong,fo all() he is exceeding defperateand aes audacious,for there was neuer man that liued,whô he durft not encounter, yeaand that after(by Godsalliaance)he had taken many ouerthrowes. ThoughDauidwere a molt holie man and according toGodsownehart,yet he affaulted him, andgaue him diuers foiles, by tempting him to adulterie,_ murther,and in prideofheart to number the people.Though Jobwashy Gods owne teflimonie the iuflefl man on earth, and therefore thebell armedwith the:breafl-plate of righ- teoufüeffe,yet Satan duro encounter him as long as God would fuller him. He refitted Iehofaua the g each. ood high Priefl, Zach.3,i. Hee buffetedPaul the chofejivef ell of the Lord, 3 a.CorO .