s asolO 5 o ¡That aPnaarid veake f iitli mayLea truefigitb: nor we feare the paines ofhel,we cafe our (clues into themby falling into utter defperation; as ifaman for feare of death fhould cut his ovine throate, or for feare ofhanging fhould drinke forncdeadly,poifon, whereby theyare prcfendie tor.. meritedwith that which they fearefullyabhorred, and chofe rather tobee oppreffedwith theeuill they feared, then any longer to indurethe feareit felfe. Whichhowfoeuer it may carry íomePhewofreafon invndergoing amotnentanie and temporariedeath, wherein oftentimes the feare is more itn- tollerable then thepaine feared; yet it is extreatne tnadneffe toplunge amans felfe bodie and foule. into the eternal' tor- ments of hell, rather then fora time to indure the horror thereof, feeing this horrorand feare is buta fmall fleabiting in refpe61ofthofe hellifh punifhments, and as it. were but a finokeof>that_ eternal' fire. --.-t--_. ---.. ...-._.r_______. CHAP. XLVL. Satans tentations concerningfin4blçj êandweakerefe o ffaith an[ ered.. §:. SeEI. á, 7'here is no filch perfeft faith,vvhich is n®t a¡fiulted yvith d4+tb-. 3i. Nd fomuch for anfwering thófetentations,whcr- by Satan laboureth to perfwade the affli&ed Chriaians that theyhaue no faith: wherewith if hecannot preuaile,in the next place hee will tell them that their faith is fo final,ifit beanyatall,fooverwhel- medwith doubting, fo vnfruitfull, and fomixt with imper- fe6iions,.that it will not bee of feauall and futñcient for their faluation. Which tentationifwe would withfrand, wemuff` not dreame or imagine, that to haue a true faith,i:s:to.hauea perfe& faith which is neuer affaultedwith doubting norfha- ken with any temptations, for there is no fuch faith to bee found in any ofGods children, feeing themof perfect are partly flefh,andpartly fpirit-; and asthe fruiteof the fpirit is faith and affiance inGod, fo thefruit. oftheflefh is doubting .-and infidelitie,and there continually affault and.ight one.a- gainfl another. ,Agailie, we are toknow that there'are.diners degrees {Çço /fbX