7134t aPeal!,, dekeakefaithmaybed tritefaith. .S;T true faith, andthat all the children ofGod haue it not in the That art there degreese like ineafure :for fome haue attained to a flrong and great .arth meafureoffaith,-as thofewho are indued withmuchknow- Go ds 6i/drat. ledge, and firtncly affent veto that which they know,and are troll certainelie perfwadcd of theirfaluation in Chrifl, and that al the gratious promifesoftheGofpeil doebelong vnto them,fo as nothing in theworldfhalbe able to feparatethem from the loueofGodwhich is in Chrifi Iefus our Lord ; o- thers areweake and induedwith a fmall meafure offaith, as thofewhohaue little knowledge,weake affent and perfwai- on;beingyet butbabes in Chrifi,and growing vp from faith tofaith,as theApofile fpeaketh,Rom.r.si7 :ti11 at length they Rocn.i.17. attaine tothat fulnefle ofperfwafion,'of'which mention is tnade,Heb.:to.2z. Nowweare to hold firfl, that this fmall ieb,ro.zz, and weakcmeafure offaith is ,notwithflanding a true faith, and therefore fufftcient for the faluationofthofewhoare in- dued therewith, neither arethepromifes oftheGofpel made to thofe only who haue a firongfaith,'but to thofe who haue a true faith.; loh. r .12. Asmany as -receiued him, hee game to John7. rz. themprerogative tohe thefensofqod, euen-te them that 6eleeue inhis name. And Iob.3.i8. He that beleeuethJhal1befamed:in Iohn3.18. whichand -fuck like places thereisno meafureoffaith pro- pounded, but-the promife are made indefinitely toall that beleeue,how finali and weake foeuer their faith be in refppec ofthequantitie and apprehenfion, fo that in .regard of the qualitie it be true and liuely. That a weake and finall nieafure'offaith istrue and liuelie .Seff.2. faith,it-is manifefl'bothby reafon andalfoplaine teflimonies That a vveake. oftheScripture:for thefirfi,diuerfitie ofdegrees in quantity andb[mall ffain) ola thing loth not take away&annihilate the eciflence and and liaa -true'beingthereof;for example,afinal drop ofwater,isas wel Jaü j,, and truelie water as the whole Ocean -; a little fparke is true fire,both in refpeaoffubflance-andquality,as wel as a migh- ty flame;a little man is-as trulya man as a great Giant:and fo . as little faith is as well a true faith asafull perfwafion; neither -loth the final quantitie take away thebeing, nature, and truth thereof. Secondly, this alto tnanifefllie appeareth by the Scriptures, whereas many are laid tohaue faith and to -N n -4 `bekeueo