Mgt afmallandweakefaithmay hea trtaefaith, SSS ter flrength;becaufe it is not.the flrength ofthehand,but the ,goodnefhe of the meate which nourifheth thebodic : So a weake faith laying hold ofChrill, and applying him andhis benefits to the beleeuer,is füflîcient tonourifhhim.toeuer- lifting lifc,as well as a f}ronger,becaufe it is not the worthi- nes or excellencie ofy infirument, but ofChrifl'which it ap- prehendeth,that is effeeIual for our iuflification and cternall faluation. So in like manner,asaft-nail and weak hand is able to receiue an alines as well as a fironger andgreater; and 25 a tle eie doth fee the whole bodyofthe funne, orTome great mountaineas wel asa bigger:fo our faith though weake and fmall,doth.apprehend Chriflas truly and effc6tually for the faluation ofthebeleeuer,as the,greatefland mcfl firong.Our Sauiour Chrifi compareth-himfelfe tothebrafen Serpent,and thebeleeuing Chriflian flung with the :fling -of, fin to the If- Iohn 3.14. raelites which did behold it, to the end theymight be cured: nowwe know that al ofthem were not alike fharpe lighted, but forcewere purblind,fonie bleare eied,fotne law it but ex- ceeding weakly anddimly,but yetnotwithflanding as many as lookedon it werecured andhealed,though they were ne- uer foweake lighted ; fo whofoeuer being -flungwith fin do looke vpon Chrifl with theeie offaith; refling vpon him a- lone for theirfaluation, though they be neuer fo.weake figh- . ted,yet they fhal be reflored to healthand be eternally fatted, becaufe it is not in the;r light,but in the obiceet therof,Chrifl Iefus,to iuflifebeforeCod,an.dtopurchafe for themeternal faluation. I .K CHAP. XLVII.. Other tentat.ronsconcerningfaith,,._. Nd thus mayweeanfwere Satans temptations, which beegroundeth vpon the fmall quantitie andweakcneffeofour faith : betides which he fuggefleth diuers others; as firi ,that true, lying faith isa,firme, certain a and confiant per- fwafionawhereas.ours,ifwehaue anya.t:all, is weake and fee- ble, §:sec` . Xi Satanstentati or concerning the certaraltie and torrffancig. offaitb,ais- fvverscl..