Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

Other tentations concerningfitith,asfrered. 5 S 7 our fight,like the firevnder the afhes, or the Sunne under a cloud,as before I haue Though therefore «vee find in vs much i nconfiancieand doubting, yet let not Satan perfwade vs that thefe are of the nature and propertiesofour faith.,and that therefore our faith is not true but temporary falteand counterfait; for this incont}ancie anddoubting, proceedeth not from faith and from the fpiritual and regenerate part,but from the flefhand the parr vnregenerate ; and therefore howfoeuer it is affaul- ted,and fometimes foiled by thcm,yet in it owns nature it is true,certaine and conflant. Secondly,he will fuggefi that the Saints mentioned in the §.Seci;2. Scriptures,had moll certain &firong faith, and in exceeding Satans great mcafare, that theybrought forth continuallymot} no- rationgro,rn- table fruits thereof,&werenot fubiect to fuch infirmities and dcdon the doubtings as weleek in our felues. To which weare to an- firongfaith fweee,that this tentation is full ofvntruth,andhathno found Godschidregs part in it: for fir(},we are to allure our felues,that they fcl into allfvvered.: manifolddoubtings, andwere fubie61 unto innumerable in- firmities and corruptions,which are not fpecified in the book ofGod : neither was itfit or expedient that it fhould bee a regiflerofal humane infirmities,and oftheir manifold falles, but'bnelie that fome fhould bee recorded for our warning, that weemightmore wariliewatch ouer our felues, let} wee fhould fall into the like finncs;and for our comfort alto when wee are fallen, in that our cafe is commonwith Gods dea- refl children; in which refpe& theScriptures are not wan- ting. LookevpónAbraham thefather ofthe faithful, whole faith was fo firóng,that heaboue hopebeleeuedvnder hope, andyou (hall fee that his faith notwithianding,was fome- times (haken with diffidence and doubting;aswhen dit}ru- flingGods gratious promifes made vnto him, and nor' te- lling upon his almightie=power,hewas content to takeveto himHagar hismaid, andcommit finne with her, that fo by his owRme deui.ce hemightmake goodGods promife,andob. tainethe bleffed feede, as though God could not performe that whichhehad fpoken, vnleffe he helped himby fuchvno lawful' !manes. $owher vas thefirebgthand conflancie of