5' S 8 Ten grounded on thefzros:gfaitho fothers,stnfwered, of2lofes faith vvhen hee dishonouredGodbefore thepco- plein not beleeuing hisword,&by (hewinghis irnpatiency? nun's). z^.to, Nunrb.2o.io.:I3. Where was the (lrength and conflancieof z c Dauics faith,when hecomplaineth that he was forfaken,that God had failed in his promifes,that he had forgotten to bee mercifull,andhad amt vp his tender mercies in difplcafure? `i'fa',.zZ. t, and Pfa1.23.I .and 77:8.9. Or offobs faith whenhe curled ÿ day 7rß.2. ofhis birth,andaccounted Godhis enemy,who had fethim vp asa marke againfl which he íhot poifoned arrowes?Orof leremy,wh% he likewife wished that hehadneuet binborne, ercm. zo, and bewraieth great impatiency?Ier.2o.Orof Ic;i uwhenhe rebelled againfí Gods commandement and fled from his prefence;or when afterhismiraculous deliuerie, hemurmu- red&vttered impatient ípeecheseuenagainf God himfelf, for the loffe ofa poore gourd which kept him from the heat ofthe Sunne ; andwhen the Lordmercifully and mildlyre- proued him,faying,Doeft thouwel tobe angry fora gourd, he (iubbornely anfwered; I doe well to be angryveto the death,Ion.4.9. Orofthe Apoftles themfelues whc: they fled avvay and forfooke their Lord and Mailer. Iefus Chrift for feareofworldly punifhment, and when after his death they wouldnot beleeue thewomen reporting that Lee was rifen againe,vntill their owne eyeshad feene him?Laírly,though it be euident that diucrs oftheSaints mentioned in the fcrip tures had a farre greater rneafure offaith; andbrought forth muchmore plentiful. fruitsthe we can difcerne in our felues, yet this is nogood reafon toproue that our weaker &final-. ler faith is no faith; or-vnef eó}call for our faluation;: for this is an abfurd confequencc,theMoone giuethmuch leffe light then the Sunne;therfore.itgiueth no light at all ; onehand.is farre greater them another, therefore the leffer is-not atrue ',hand ; this man excelleth another in the.vfe-ofreafon, and therefore the other.is vnreafonable, becaufe they diuers de- grees in theqtiantityoftimings donot takeaway the truth of their being and exiflen'ce,,folongas they be ofthe fame na- ture and oual.itie.Beddes, as theholyCho(' bath let downe .examplesofmoí}.fírong faith in force ofGods fer-uan s,fo kath he Madementionofforne whohaue had butweak and little r