74entationsgrounded on the f rong faith ofothers,anfirerecl.559 little fàith;to theend that we fhould fo labóur to attaine vn- toÿhighef} degree, as in the tneane time \Ne be not vtter- ly difcouraedwith the loweft. Forexample, as he hath re- membred the faith'of .A raha:ml who beleeued aboue hope vnde.rhope his fo hathnotforgotten:weaker who cried,l: beleeue,Lordhelp thoumine vnbeleefe; as he bathmen -. tioned the faithoflobwho grew to this.rcfólution ; Thoa,h held/lnme,yetwell:!trullinhim ;fo heehath expreffedallothe faith ofAricodrnsue,inknowledgeweak & fimple,and in pra fife andprofeflion cowardly &fearfull:as-hehath let down theftrong faith ofPaulwho grew to this fttlneffe ofperfwa- hon.thatmthing fhouldbee able to feparate him from the loueofGodin.Iéfus Chrifl; fo he hath not left out thelittle andweake faith ofThomas,-whowould not beleeue further, then he law& felt. Yea the Lord in hisword hath reuealed,That tfñe feüp4 vinovs the diners degreesoffaith in the fame men inxefpeet- t re vtf ti ;- ofdiners times.; at one time like a graitae ofmuftard feed,. at, ucrr degrer es o f another time like a great tree;at one time like a little Lnoke, faith in tine and foone.after burfling out into agreat 'flame ; now like a fame Mee' tar weake reedwauering . &decliningwiththe finalleft biatfof any triall,&within a while like.an..immoueable rockwhich beaterb backe huge billowes,andeuena wholefeaofviolent tentatiósrina:word., ìt fetteth.outto our view,as it were por traied in afrefh-and litre pielute,the diners ages ofa.chriftiän ashe is inhisconception and preparation tograce,andas he is inhis newbirth Andfirfl conuerfion, as he isababe;and as he grow:ethfrom his infancie to greaterage and flretLgth,till hee;conne to ripe yeares,and tobe a flrongmania Chrift.Be- fides,it flíewethvntovs his diners relapfes through fnne,tho ficknes ofthefoule,andhowoftentimes thefpiritual growth is hindred,ánd the flrengthofGodsgraces abated and mach weakned by thequotidian ague:-ofcoxruptions, and Satans tentations ;alfoafter thefc fits beedriuen away byvertue of Gods fpirit, howwe receiue a greater i ncreafe ofgrace and meafure.ófffrength, wherebywegrowmore inChriftianity and godlines inayeere then wedid in two before,All 1} hick is let dówne to this-end thatwe fhoùldnot ma,k_eour f ncy our 41-4v) and full growth,, kut.iaböur: to_.increafe in grace tíl:. :.;.