That theweakeffaith cannot hefinally ouerthrornne. 56/ for whatfoeuer good worke heebeginneth, that will healto perfeóóand accomplifh,Phil.i.6. Phil.r.6. Thirdly,whofoeuer truelybeleeueth,he is truelie iuflified; andwhofoeuer is ivaified,iseleò}ed,called, and fhal be glori- fied,for thefe infeparably goe together,Rom.8.3o.and con- Rom.8.3o. fequently,he that hath truefaith,wherebyhe is iuflified, can- not fall away,feeinghis iuflification is as certaine as the eter- nall decree ofGods ele6iion. Laflly,God both can and will frengthen and confirme all thofe who are weake in faith,till they attaine veto the endof , odi Goa both theirfaith,euen the faluationoftheir foules;and therfore it is can andvvii impoflible that theywhich once truly beleeue fhould fall a- vpholdthe away and becondemned. Concerning Godspower no man vvrakeff be- can make any queflion,feeing it is omnipotent & almightie; 'eeuer* and for his wil hehath fully reucaled itbothbyhis wordand workes,namely,that he will rot take away that grace which he hath once given, but rather increare it till itbee perfected and acco:nplifhed. Fer the frfl,the Lord faith that hee will Ea.66, i. comfort his Church&people, as the woman comforteth her Ldp.:oi red to child,Efa.66.I 3. Nowwe know that the mother Both not a- the loue ofa bandonher child,nor dcpriuehimof that comfort which fhe tender mother. can giue him becaufehe is tick andweaker,but rather the tic- ker and weaker he is,the more is her care and diligence in re- leeuing him in his ditlreffe ; when hee is not able todigefl firongmeatfneprouideth for him comfortable food oflight digeflion; when he is foweak, that hecannot go,fhe carieth him in her armes,or otherwife fupporteth him;when he is fo ficke,that he falleth downs to the ground in a fwoune, Thee raifeth him vp,and neuer refleth till the hath recouered life in him:is this loue in a naturali mother? then fiurelymuchmore (hall we find in our heauenlyfather : for thoughamother may Efa.49.I S forget the,fruit ofber:xombe,yet willthe Lordneuerforget vs, as he hathpromi fed, Efa.49. t 5. And therefore the greater our Weakeneffe is in grace and themore grieuous our fickneffe is through finne, and the noifome humorsofour corruptions, the more carefullie will heewatch ourvs with theeie ofhis prouidence, and fupportvs with hisalmightie power in our greateft weakeneffe,the more tenderly will hepitievs,and in 0 o louing