Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

562 That the weakeffaithcannot befinally otterthrotrne. louingcompafíion wil prouide for vs,fuch comfortable food, as will be fit to nourifhvs,and repaire our decaied ftrength; when we cannot go,he will with his almightiehand vphold vs;and when we fall into a dead trance,hewill not ref till he hath againe reuiued and quickned vs withhis holie fpirir. 11atth,zz.:o, Moreouer our Sauiour hathfaid, that heewill not breake the bruifed reed, nor quench the rmokindfiaxe, Matth. i 2.20. but he will fupport our tveakneflè with his almightie power, fo that though with the reedwe be borne down to the ground, tvith the boil+erous blaf}s ofSatans temptations,yet we (hall Pfalm.37.24. be raifedvp again,according to that Pfalm.37.24.7houghhe pill he(ball not becall off, for the Lord ptetteth vnder hrs d.mnd; andhe will blowvponvs with thebreathofhis holy fpirit,til he turne our(mall finoke to a great flame, which fhalI neuer bee quenched by all themalice ofour fpirituail enemies. So Manta. z ;,zz. Matth. i 3.12. our Sauiour Chrifl bathpromifed, that whofo- euer hath,to himitfhall bee giuen, andhe(hall haue abundance. Neitherdoth hee limit or define any quantitie leffe or more but indefinitly promifeth abundant increafe euen vnto the leaf},fo farre is he from taking away that whichhehath once bellowed. And whereas wee through our weakeneffe and fraileneffe are eauily cat+ downeand fall away, and therefore bane goodcaufe ifwe lhouldonely looke vpon our infirmi- ties to doubt and defpaireofperfeuerance, yet in refpetrl of Gods omnipotent power, watchfull prouidence, and pro- mifed affiflance,we may confirme our (clues in faith,hope, and certaine durance of continuing vnto the end ; for the Lordvpholdeth all that are falling, and lifteth vp thofe who Pfalm. r45.14. are alreadiedown,as thePfalmift fpeaketh,Pfa1,145.14. The zCor.az9* power ofGod is manifefled in our weakeneffe, his riches in our beggerlineffe,his mercy and goòdneffe in our frailenes andmanifold corruptions; andwith his holy fpirit, heehel- Rotr.8z6. pethour infirmities as it is Rom.S.26. Wehaue not an high Prie l which cannotbe touchedwith the feeling ofour infirmities, but was inall things temptedin likefart,yet withoutfsn;andther- forehe is ablefrf fCciently to hauecompalonon them that areip- Iicb.4.ts, norant andout oftheway,becaufe that he aimwas compaffedwith and 54. stirinfirmities,as theApoflle reafoneth : Heb,4.15.and 5.2. Secondiic,