Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

'That then-eakeßfaith cannot befinally euerthrowne. 563 Secondlie, it appeareth manifeffly byGods workes, ad- §.Sell. 5. miniflration andpra6life,that hewil not depriue any ofthat Theformer fan6lifying grace whichhebath oncebellowed, though the Pint ill afira- meafure thereofbe neuer5o finali; neither can we obferue ei- teiti byexam- therby our reading the ishole book ofGod,orby our owne pies. experience, that any man hauing receiued the leafs graine of true faith bath vtterlie been depriuedof it, and reie&ed of God .Euen theDifciples themfelueswhen theywerereproo- ued for their little faith,were by him firengthened and con- firmed,fo that all the power ofhell couldnot preuaile againfl it:and thoughSatan indeuouredto lift them as wheate, yet Chris interceffionwas more mightie to defend them, then the diuell to defiroy them, and his interceffion a fronger prop to vphold them,then the waight ofSatans temptations to ouerthrowandbring them to ruine : fo he who cried out, Ibeleeue Lord,helpe thoumyvnbeliefe;though his faith was weake, yet itperifhed not, butrather receiued a greater in-. creafe.Yea,he reie6lednotThomas in hiswilful doubting and obílinate incredulitie,butoffered all occafions ofconfirming his weak faith,andneuer ceafed till hehad fully allured him ofhis refurre6lion.Inaword, althe faints ofGodat one time or other hauehad experience ofthismercy,power,andgood- neffe ofGod in fupporting their weakneffe,vpholding them in their great infirmities,andin railing them when they were fallen to the ground;and to this end,our Sauiour was anoin- tedbyGods fpirit veto the office of his mediation, that bee fhouldpreach theGofpell vnto thepoore,heale thebrokenharted, thathe¡hotsl lpreachdeltuerance untocaptiues, and recouerie of fight to the blind, andfet at libertte them that arebrufed,Luk.4. Luk.4.18. z8. To this endheehad familiar focieticwith the fraile and weake,with thofc who had little faith,that hemight increafe it, and no faith,that he might beget it,with publicans and finners andmen full ofinfirmities; to this purpofe he calleth filch as thirfi and hunger,feeling their owne emptineffeof grace, andearnefily defiring to bee filled and fatisfied, and filch altoas labour,andare heauy ladenwith the vnfupporta- bicwaight oftheir corruptions, promifiug that hee will eafe thein:lafily,to this endhe hath ordained the miniflery ofthe 0o z word