Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

564 Ofour iufitification. word and adminif}ration ofthe Sacraments not onely to be- get faith where it is not, but tonourifh and increafe it where it is weak and feeble: and therfore thoughour faith beneuer fo make andGnall,let not Satan perfwade vs that therefore it fhailbee ouerthrowne and turned? into infidelitie : for the Lord hath affured vs both by his gratious promifes in his word,and alfo by the performance thereofinhisworks from the beginning to this day,thatwhere hehath giuen the leaf} meafure offtith,orany other fanaifying grace, therehe will allo increafe,f}rengthen and confirme it; and wherehee hath begun any good worke, therehee will finifh and perfe& it, notwithf landingour fraile weaknefle, and the forcible vio- lenceofall our fpirituallenemies. §.Sec`i.r. Ofthé efficient taufe ofour iuflification. Rom.8, 3a. Efs.4;.tq. Ezech.t6.8. .i- CHAP. XLVIII. Ofour iu îhfication. Nd fo much concerning thofe tentations ofSatan, which he fuggefleth to the end that he mayfru- firate our effeo`tuallyçalling.Thenext fubordinate caufc and means ofour faluation is our iuflificati- on,for whom(oeuer the Lordeffe5lually calleth thofealfo he zufli- fieth, as it is Rom.8.3 o. In fpeakingwhereof I will firfl Phew what it is, and afterwards anfwerc fuch tentations ofSa tan, as he fiiggefteth into our nindes,to the end that hee may in- fringe thedoctrine ofiuflification, andmake it vaineand vn- profitable vntovs. For the firf},i uf}ification is an adtionor workofthewhole Trinitie,the Father,Son and holyGhof},wherbyGod grati- oufly and freely imputing unto euery faithfull man the righ- teoufneffe and obedienceofChrif} themediator,doth accept ofhirn, andpronounce him to be iu fl and righteous,for the glorie ofhis name and faluation ofthebeleeuer. The efficient caufe ofour iuf}ification is God alone,as ap- peareth bymanifef} tefiimonies.Efa 43.25.I,euen lamhe that putteth away thine iniquitiesfor my o9onefake,andwilnot remem- ber thylinnet. SoEzech, i 6,8. the Lord thus fpeakcth to his Church