Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

111114z, Ofour iufl f catïon. 565 Church andpeople ? I f read myskirts ouer thee, and cowered thyfilthines.9.Then Iwa bed thee with water,yeaIw. fhedaway thyblood from thee, and anointed thee with oyle. io. IclothedRamat s. thee with broydredworke,cc.Wherebyhe fignifieth that hee and 8.33. purged it with the bloodofChrifi from all fin, and adorned it with the rich robe ofhis righteoufneffe. TheApoftle like- Plalen.PP.4 wife faith, that it is Godwho iuflifieth,himwho in himfelfe was vngodly. Rom.4.5.and 8.33. It is Godwho iutifieth, who fhallcondemne ? The reafon hereof is manifefi, becaufe it is the Lord againfi whomwe haue finned, as Dauidfpeaketh, Pfal. 5 F .4. And hee alone is our fupreme Iudge, who bath 'authoritie toabfolue or condemnevs, and therefore he one- ly canglue vnto vs the pardon andremiffionof ourfins, and accept ofvs as iuft and righteous. And thisworke is not peculiar vnto any one perfon, but incommon to the wholeTrinitie.ForGod thefather being fully fatisfiedby the full fatisfalion,righteoufneffe,and obe- dienceofChriU the fonne,applied vntovsby theholy fpirit, dothpardon and forgiuevs all our finnes, and pronounccth and accepteth ofvs as innocent, and indued with perfea righteoufneffe. The motiue or impulfiue caufe, which moouedthe Lord thus to iutlifievs, wasnot any thing invs or out ofhimfelfe; but ofhismeere mercyand free good will, wherewith bee bathloued vs from thebeginning, as it manifef+lyappeareth Rom.3 .24. Where theApoile faith, thatweare iaflifiedfree- Ram.3.2.4, ly byhis grace,through the redemption that is in Chrif lefus. And Tit.3.5.7. Not by theworkes ofrighteoufneffewhichwehadTit,3.5.7. done,but according to his mercy he miredvs, by the wafhingof the nehbbirthand renei igofthe holy ghofl.y. Thatbeing iu- fltfaedby his 'ace, ve_Mouldbemadehivesaccording to thehope opternalllife. The infir.umentall caufes areof two forts: firfl on Gods part,theword and the Sacraments,'whereby the Lordof fereth, canueigheth,fealeth, and affureth vntovs hismercie andgrace, Chrift Iefus with his inerits, righteoufneffe, and obedience, theremiffionofour Gnnes, and euerlafling life. Secondly, onour part atrite and liuely faith,wherebywe Oo 3 recetue