.545 O fair itetificatiosa. receiue andapplyvnto ourfelues the. mercie of-God, Chrift Iefus and all his benefits, refling vpon him alone for our fal- uation. .â .Z. The tnateriall caufe of our iufl fication is thea6iue and The naateriall paíli.ue righteoufneife and obedience ofIcfus Chrift, his in ca fe, herent holineffe, bis fulfilling ofthe law, his death, facrifice, and fullfatisfaClion. So that we are not iuflifiedby the effen . tiall righteoufneífe.of theGodhead,nor byour owne works ioyned with Chrifts merits, nor by any inherent righteouf- nes irfufcd ofGod through themerits ofChrift;or by anyo- ther thing inOur felues, or anyother meerecreature,but by the alone righteoufneífe ofour mediatour Iefus Chrift God and man, which is out ofour felues and in Chriftas the pro- per fubieót thereof,and not belonging to vs,till by the fpirit ofGodand a liuely faith.it be appliedveto vs and fo becow- meth ours. ofthefor- The formall caufe.ofour iuftifcationis a.reciprocall im- mall ïaufc. putation or tranfrutationofthe finesofthe beleeuer vnto ChriP,andofhis righreoufineffeunto the beleeuer : whereby it ccmmeth topaffe,that the faithful' man bathnot his finnes imputed veto him, nor the puniíhment due vnto them in- flidled on himlbecaufe Chrift bath taken vpon him .the guilt and punifhtnent, and bymaking fullfatisfa6tìon untohis fa- thers iuf+ice,haathobtained the pardonand remiflion ofal his firmes. And alto is clothed with the glorious robe of Chrift Iefus righteoufneffe, and fo appearing beforeGod both free from all finne,and indued with perfeót righteoufneffe, hee is iuf}ified,reconciled,and eternally faued:Andofthis imputed It0a/4*/ '` righteoufiies the:Apoílle fpeaketh,Rom.4.5. But to him that Ivor ethnot, but befeetteth in hire that inflifieth thevngodly, his faith is counted for righteonfnes. 6. EisenAs Dauiddeclareth the bletdnefje ofthe' man vnto *hem God imputeth righteoufneffe ritb®ut Yorke., Paying, y. :Blefdare they »,hof iniquitiepare foryiuen,. andwho;çfinnes litrecowered. S, Blegedis theman vnto svh.rm the Lord imputeth.notfin. And .2.Cor,5.19.ForGodwas in Chrrfl and reconciled the. world vnto himfelfe, notimputing theirfinnes vn.to. them,&c. 21. Forhe hathmade him to bePanne for,vs knew nofiunc,thztr e,O owld. be made the righteeuf nef