Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

1111.,z, Ofour 567 nefj"e ofGod in him. And the Apoflle affirtneth, r.Cor.i.3c. t.Cor.t.3o. That lefits Chrift is ma: vntovsofGod,wifedome,rtghreoufees, fantifcationand redemption. So that now Chriflsrighteouf- neffe is our righteoufneffe,his obedienceour obedience, his merits our tnerits,as certainely, perfealy and effeaually, e- uen asifwee our felues had been mofl innocent,fulfilled the law,or made full fatisfaátion to Gods iuflice. By which it appeareth,thatinrefpeI ofour felues wee are iuflificd freelie of Godsmeere mercie andgrace,without any refpeé of our ownerighteoufnes or worthineffe; but yet through Chrift, and for his righteoufneffe and obedience imputed to vs,both which arefignified bythe Apoflle,Rom.3.23.24. where he R0113.343.14. faid,that all inthemfelues arewretched (inners without dif- ference,and therebyare depriuedofthegloryofGods king- dome. 24. Andaretsáfified freely of through the re- demptionwhich is in Chrif lefuf. The finali caufe ofour iuiification is two fold,thechiefe §. Sec7.3. and principali is the glory ofGod: forhereby the Lord bath Thefixtaicaul, mot' notabliemanifefted his infinit iufiice and mercie; his iuflice,in that hewould rather punifhour finnes in his onelie begottenSonne, thenhee wouldfuffer them to goe vnpuni- fhed; his mercie,in thatfor our fakes hee fparednot his bcí1 beloued Sonne,but gaue hint to fuffer death,yea thedeath of thecroffe, that byhisowne oblation,he might make ful fatif- fac`lion for our finnes,and purchafe forvs euerlatling lifc;and alto in that hevouchfafeth vntovs the outwardmeans ofhis wordand Sacraments, and the inward afliflance of his holie fpirit, wherebywee arevnited vntoChrif+and hauea lively faithbegotten in vs, which apprehendingChrift hisrighte- oufneffe and merits,wee are iuflified,fanaified, and eternally famed And this end is fignifiedby the Apofile, Rotn.3.24.2 5. Rnm.T. %3. where hee faith, that Godbath iuffified vsfreelybyhts grace, and 5.11. through the redemption n-hich is in Chrift lefts, to declare" "n. ríghteoufnefJèby the forgiueneffe o f ftnnes,and ni htJ72ewhimflfe iu/l by iu/lifyinghim,who is of thefaith o f 'efus. And cha.5.2i. he faith,that as vnder the lawfnhadraignedvntodeath fonow grace raigneth by righteotrfnes vnto eternall lire throes, h lefts Epheft.l;6.7,, Chrift our Lord. SoEph.2.5 .6.7. he affiirmeth that Godbath 0o 4 quickned