Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

568 . Ofouriufizific'ation. ._`. Rom.4.16. -quicknedvs in Chrifl whowere dead inour fînnes,andhath railed vs vp inhim ; that heemightlbew in the ages tocoasse the exceeding riches o fhisgrace through his l indnefe towardsvs in Chrifí efus. The inferiour and fubordinate end is, that our fatuation -. may hereby be firmely affuredvntovs, for nowour faluation isnot invs,butin the hands of God, andit is grounded not on our owneworkes and .worthineffe, but vpon the righte. oumnefl'e and obedience oflefúsChrifl,which is amoficer- taine and firmefoundationwhich wile neuer faile as.And this theApoflle fheweth, Rom..}.i 6. whereas hee faith;that the couepant ofgracewhereby we are allured ofeuerlafling fal- uation is madebyfaith, that it might comeIygrace,and thepro- rnif might befuretoall thefeede. The parts ofour iuflificationare two, the remifiion ofour §.Sea.4. finnes,and.the imputationofChrifls righteoufneffe:for as in (T the rams ewer naturaliman ,there the orru c ption,guilt unifh..' áu(lrfica- y P g p tion. ment offinne, and the abfence or privation ofholineffe and ri:ghteoufües;fo in Chrifl we haue aremedie forboth:for the firf} byhis paflionand fuffering_ : for the other byhis acc?ualI obedienceandperfeMulfilling ofthe law.And this is mani- Rom 6 r. fef},Rom.4&7. where the Apoflle diflin ly maketh men- That Chrißs atïuallobedi- ence, vv''ereby he fulfilled the lavv,is impu.. ledvat) vs. donofthe righteoufncffe-ofIefus Chrifl imputedwithout works,and ofthe forgiueneffe,couering andnot imputing of finne. Neither was it fufficient for the obtainingofeuerla- fling life and happinefre, that our mediatour fheuld by his deathmake full fatisfa&ion for our finnes, bothofcommif_ fion,and alto otrriffion,butalto that he fhould clothevs with hisaebue obedience,wherebywee might appeareperfe6Uie righteous before God..; The truthhereoftmay further appeare, ifwe confides firff that our Sauiour Chrifl wasnot bound to fulfill the law for himfelfe, becaufe hee was from the firfl moment of his con- ception .. affumed into the hypoflaticall and perfonall vnion with the fecond perfon inTrinity,andconfequently wasnot onely manbutGodalió, andtherfore not bound to any law, neither needingany legali righteoufi:effe beingalreadie in- - 4dued with á farre more excellent righteoufneffe, euen the rightcoufnefi-