Ofour 09 righteoufnefïe of God. So that either our Sauiour perfor- med obedience to the law to nopurpofe, or elfe to this end thathemight impute it vnto vs, and thereby induevswith fuch a moll perfe& and euerlafling righteoufnefle asmight giue vnto vs theright ofeternalllife. Secondly,ifonely our finnes were pardoned andwee nor made partakers of Chriíis aéuiue righteoufneffe , our im- puted righteoufnef e,fhouldnot excell the righteoufneffe of Adam beforehis fall, for he neither committed fin ofomif- fion nor commifíion, till he tranfgreffed Gods commande- ment in eatingoftheforbidden fruit ; but we aremade par- takers ofamoreexcellent tighteoufües by faith,thenwe loft inAdam, euen the righreotá(neffe ofCi ed by the faith of lefut Chrifit, as theApofile fpeakethRom.3.22. whichconfifleth Roin.3.zz. not onely in the abfence of euill and fin, but in theprefence alto ofaeluall holinefl'eand righteoufbeffe. Thirdly,and laíl'y(becaufe it is mypurpofe onely to touch this point by the way, as not fo properly belonging to this treatife) wee are vnited vnto Chrift Iefusand he is become our head and we hismembers,by reafon of which vnion as he coinmunicateth himfelfvnto vs, fo alto that which belon- gethvnto himas he is our mediatour, and coufequently not onely hispaíliue obedience,wherebyhe bathmade full fatif- fa6tion for our finnes, but alto his aólualll righteoufneffe, wherebyhe perfe&ly fulfilled the law. And thus it appeareth that our iuílification confifleth of twoparts, the firs} the remifíîon ofour finnes for the full fa- tisfaCtion ofChrifl byhis death and fufferings, the otherthe imputationofhishabituall and aetiue righteoufneffe. The remiflion of finnes is the firft part of iullìfication, wherebyGod forgiuerh for the deathand full fatisfa&ión of Chrifl,all our finne bothoriginall and actual, both in refpeet oftheguilt andpunifhi ient,foas they foal neuer be imputed to our condemnation, neither in this life, nor in the life to come. Aml ofthis the Pfalmiflfpeaketh,-Pfal.3z.i. 'Bleffe Pfal.3¡.i. is the manwhore ìbicl ednes is forgiuen,andrrhofefanne is couered. 2.73lefed is the manunto? hom the Lordimputeth not iniquity. Sò theApofile faith; that God *asin . Chrl,aszd'reconciled the work!