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z.çor:5. 19. Rcm 4.6. Rom, 9.3o. Phi1,38.9 2. Cor 5.2r. a.Per,z.zz. Hcb.4.t1. loh 8,46. 570 Ofouritffífication. world to himfêlfe,not imputing theirfins vnto them,2.Cor.5.19. The imputationofChrif}s righteoufnell'e is the other part ofour iuftification,wherbyGod imputcth vntoeuerybelee- uerthe righteoufneffe of the mediatour Iefus Chrift, as if it were properly their owne and performed by them, that be- ingclothed therewith theymay bee perfeély righteous in Gods fight,and foobtaine the right vinoeuerlafling life and happinefhe. Andofthirs the Apoftle fpeaketh,Rom.4,6. Eisen as (faith bee) Dauid declareth the bleffedneffeof the manvnto WhomGodimputeth righteoufnefe without wort 1. s.AndRom.9. 3 0.7he Gentiles whichfollowednot righteoufneffehaue attained vnto righteoufireffe, euen the righteoufnef e which is o ffaith.So Phil .3.8.9. The Apofle faith, that hee accounted all things loffe,and iudged them to bee dung, that hee might winne Chrift,andmight befound inhim,not haueng his ownerighteouf= neffe which is ofthe 141-, but that which is ofthefaithof aril?, men the righteoufneffe irhich is orGod throughfaith.Ier.23.6, Now this righteoufneffeofChrif}.is twòfold;his habitualt and inherent holineífe and innocencie,whereby hee was free from all corruption and finne both originali anda6uall; and indued with all holinef e. and puritie ofnature, from the firlt moment ofhisconception.And ofthis theApoftle fpeaketh, ?..Cor. 5.2 r. He that knew nofinne, was madeîmneforvs. And i.Pet.z.22..who did. noo fyne,neitherwas there anyguilefcn4 inhismouth. SoHeb.4. i 5.he is Paid tobe without finne.And z9. hee is called the Lambe vndefiled and without fpot. Andhimfelfechallengeth the Iewes,Ioh.8.46. whichof youcan rebukemeof 'Line? And this holineffe being imputed vntovs,is oppofed to ouroriginal/ finne and naturallcorrup- tion. The other is his a&wall righteoufiielfe,whereby he per- formed perfect obedience vnto the law in all his thoughts, words,and ,deeds through thewholecourfe ofhis life. And this being imputed vntovs, andbecomming ours by reafon ofthat vnion whichis betweenChrif+andvs,isoppofed vn- to our aauall tranfgrcflion, whereby wee haue broken the whole lawofGod, both in omitting the duties which are commanded, and incommitting thevices and fumes which are forbidden. The