Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

That weare not iufitifleddy our work!: andmerits. 577 Theperfonswhoare thus i.ttílifiedare all the faithfull, and theyonelywho doe applie the righteouf3ef eof:IefusChrifl vnto thetnfelues bya true and liuelyfaith.And thus the Apo- flle Both limit and reflraine it: Rom.3.21.22. wherehe faith, that therighteoufnefjeofGod is made manifes` mithout the law ç R,m. ;.2 2. ,orvìt,the righteosf«ff of Gad by the faithof'era Cbriki,vnto s2,.and4,5., allandvpon all that beleewe. And4,5.TO him that vorketh not but beleeueth in him that iuFfsfaeth the vngodly,hzd faith is cun tsdfor righteouflreffe. And our Sauiour hath promifed, that tvhofoeuer beleeueth inhim /hall not come into iudeement,but bathpeedfrom death to life,Ioh.5.24 The timewhenWee are thus iuflified is firft in this life, as Ioh 4.14 fooneas truefaith isbegot in vs by theminifterie of 57 word, wherebywee particularly apply veto our felues Chrift Iefus andall his benefits, refting and relying vpon him alone for our iullification and faluation; thewhich fhall be fully per- felledatthedayof iudgement, when as our Sauiour Chrift fhall pronouncethe fentenceofabfolution, faying, Come yee bleffedofmyFather,take the inheritance ofthekingdomprepared foryert from thefoundation o f the *odd. Mat. .1 91......v__..........-... _.............,..._...T,. CH A P. XLI X. That 11earenot iuffifiedbyourworles andmerits. riNd fomuchbriefly of the do&riveof Iuflifica- ,sear, . lion. N.owwee are to fpeakeofand to anfwere satans#evra- fuch temptations as are fugg,efledbyour fpiri- lions concer- : tuaIl enemie to theend that hee may erfwade wingiußißca- vs that wee are not iuftified, or that heemay. fartsefimo mouevs to feeke for iuftification where it is not to bee had, and fo in the meane time negle& it where only it is to be . found,and thealone meanes wherebyit is to beeenioyed.In fpeakingwhereofI fhallnot need: tohandle thingsfo.largely as thofe points whichwent before,partlybecaufe our iuflifi cation doth infeparably follow our effe&uall calling, and thereforehe that is affured.ofthe one needes not todoubt of,.. the.öther, partly becaufethe moll ofthofe tentations which, Saari _ :k._