r Holm the vvorld temp- tetb>byprofpe- zitie. : O f theworld. and all thefe are ledvnder the condu6 oftwo Captaine Ce; nerals, the World and theFlefh. By theworld I vnderlland impious,carnal! and vnbelet- uing men,with all their baites and inticementsvnto vanitie, and all their difcouragements, afflielions andmiferieswher- with they hinder Gods children in trauelling the path of righteoufnes which leadeth toGodskingdom. This wicked world;thecline'sdarling& chiefe champion, doth affaultvs onboth fides; onthe right hand it encountreth vs withpro- fperitie,offering vs thebaiteofpleafure,that thereby itmay allurevs to fwallow the hooke offinne ; it cafethbefore vs thegolden apples ofriches,that by (looping down to gather them,we maybe hindred'in running theChriflian race,and fo lofe thegoaleand garland of euerlal}ingglorie ; it temp- teth vswith the honours and glorie thereofto difhonour God,andto fall beforeSatan, worfhipping himbyour fins; in a word,it promifeth whatfoeuer our corrupt mindes de- fire,ifwewill liue in finne, andturne afide out ofthenarrow path into the broadway, which leadethtodeflruelion. And howpronewee are to liflen to thefeSyrenS Tongs, it is but too manifell by lamentable experience : for doth not our fir(l loue waxe cold, and our former zealeof Gods glorie freeze as Toone as the world fauneth vpon vs,and quencheth invs theheateofGods Spirit, by callingonvs the watrifh vanities ofpleafures,honoursand riches?Doe not hereby re- ligious feruantsbecome irreligious mailers?andyoung faints in fhew,olddiuels in truth ? Doe wenot fee that as foone as Demar hath imbraced the world, hee forfaketh Chritl? yea that`Peter himfelfe deniethhis Mailer, when he hathballed himfelfe by the fire ofthiswicked atiph& ? Are there not many who haue been forwardprofeffors in the time of their aduerfitie and want,whichcall off thecloake oftheir profef- fionas Toone as the warme funne ofprofperitie hath fhined vpon them ? Are therenot many amongilvs who in the time ofafflie}ion couldnot be inforted by torments to prophane Gods name by fvvearing an idle oath; or his Sabbaths by following theirpleafures, orby doing the workes of their callings; andyet the fain, men after,they haue fallen into wicked