572 rbatweare not itsftiftedby oar worksandmerit:. Satan fuggefleth to impugne and make void our affurance that wee are iuflified, are alreadie anfwered, namely thofe which concerne the remiffonofour fins,and true faith inIe- fusChrifl; and partly becaufe thole tentationswhich Satan fuggefleth into theminds ofaffii6led Chriflians,are thefelfe faine which the liras ofSatan the Antichrifl ofRome and all his apofiaticall fynagogue dohold&defend :and therfore I (hall not need to intreatehereofat large,becaufe thefepoints in controuerfie haue been alreadie, and will behereafter fo copioufly, learnedly, and religioufly handled by others of greater abilities,and farre more excellent gifts. But let vs come tothe matter inhand. The tentationsof Satan concernig this point are oftwo forts : thefirfl tend to perfwade vs to labour after and to ref}vpon an imperfe&and maimed righteoufneffe for our iuflification, whereby we can neuer be iuflified inGods fight, andfo in themeane time he caufeth vs toneglel thealfufficient andmoll perfectrighte- oufnes ofIefus Chrifl,by whichalone we are iuflifiedbefore Godand eternally faued :the othertend tomake vs doubt of our true iuflification, that fohee may either make this gra.. tious worke ofGodfruflrate invs,or elfe at leaf+depriue our foules ofthat true confolationand peace ofcöfcience, which dependethvpon theaffurance ofour iuflification. §.Sell.2. For the firfl,he will labour toperfwade vs that it is not the HovvSatan righteoufneffe ofIefus Chrifl, imputedvnto vs by God and temptab vs to apprehended and applied vnto vs by faith, wherebywee are negleóChriffs iuflified inGods fight, for this imputatiuerighteoufnefï'e is righteeufnef e, but meerely putatiue and imaginary, but by that inherent enotrov righteoufnes whichis inourfelues: forChria (will hee fa en our ovvne. did notfulfill the law and died,that this his righteoufnes and obedience fhould become ours by imputation,but hee died for vs to the end hemight merit for vs ÿ fpirit ofGod, which fhould infufe intovs an inherent righteoufneffe, and he (bed his blood to theend that our goodworkes being dipped and died therein,mightbecomeperfeet and fo iuflifie vs inGods fight; and therefore that wee arenot iufufied by faith alone, but by our other graces and vertues alto, and our good workes .proceeding from them ; neither by faith at all as 'it ..,,,.