Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133 .D76 C551 1608 v.1

. That wearenot ireflifiedby our otvneworker. 573 it is an inflrument which applieth Chrift and his benefits vnto vs, but as it is a grace or verme infufed into our felues. Againflw'hich tentation it behooueth vs moil carefully to arnie our felues,as beingmofi dangerous and pernicious: for it robbethGod and our Sauiour Chrifl of the whole glorie ofour i uflification and faluation, and deriueth fome,yca the greatefl portionvnto our felues, as being chiefly iuflifiedby our owne meanes; and alfo it depriueth our foules ofall true comfort and full affurance that we are iuflified and faued,by taking out ofour hands the flrong f+af}c ofour faluation, the perfec`I righteoufnes ofIefus Chrifl, &byputting into them theweak reedofour own works,which veil prefentlybreake and failevs,when we mofl ref+vpon it,and fowee Ihall vnre- couerably fall into the horrible pit of deepe defperation, when as we areabandoned ofour chiefe hope, that is,v. hen on the one fide the huge waight ()four grieuous fins, and on the other fide the great imperfec`lion of our mmf+ perfect righteoufires, and the filthiepollution of our moll glorious works appearevnto vs. And to the end that wee maybe the better inabled to refill this dangerous and damnable tentation, I will firfl (hew that we cannot be iuflifiedbefore the tribunal of Gods i udgemét by our inherent righteoufnes and goodw'orkes; andfccond- ly, that we are iuflifiedby faith alone,as it only applieth vnto vs Chrifl Iefus his righteoufheffe and obedience. Thatwe are not iuflified by our owneworkes and righte- ,S` ,Z, oufheffc, it manifefily appeareth both by plaine teflimonies That vise are ofholyScripture,ánd f+rorg arguments which are grounded not d by vpon them. For the firfl,the Apoflle plainly faith,that by the our ÿ the worker ofthe law [hall rao fief l be aufli fed in his f ç.h t, fo;--by the scribedb . law commeth theknowledge o f finne: but no' i is the ruhteoufne.r ofGod made manifefl. without the law, having lì:itne33e ofthe law and the Prophets ; towit,the riehteour'effe ofCod, bj' thefaithofRoom;. zo. IefusChrifl,vnto allandvponallthatbeleer2e,Rom. Phil So Phil.3 .9. He difclaimeth his owne rir;hteoufneffe, and re- 3.9. fleth vpon the alone righteoufueffe ofChri!i lefus, which is made oursbyfaith,for his iuílification and faluation. 1 haue (faith he) counted all things lojje, and doe trudge them to bee dung ` that