Ph iT.;.5,. .fia1.3.to3r. Rom.4.5. Luk. 17.10. 1§.Sea.4. That thefor- merplaces are tobevnder- flood ofthe vvorksofthe morall lavv, andnot o/the ceremonies on- üe. 574 That lieare r'òt iuficedbyour owneworkes. that Imay whine Chriftt, and aright beefound in him,not hauing mineowne righteoufneffe, which is ofthe lacy, but that which u through thefaithofChrijr,euen the righteoufreswhich is ofGod, throughfaith : Phil.3.9. AndGaI.3 . io. r i . heaírrtneth,that amanyas ref! in thewor, es ofthe law, arevnderthe curfe; and thatnoman is iuffifiedby thela* in thefight ofGod,rt isesrrdent, becaufe the iufl lhallliueby faith. SoRom.4. 5.To him that wor- kethnot,6ut 6eleeneth in hurtthat itflifieth the vnorodly,hisfaith rs countedforr:ghteoufres. And our Sauior Chrifi teacheth vs to fayandacknowledge when we haue done all to our vtter- mofi power which is commandedvs, that we are Rill vnpro- fitableferuants,Luk.i But vnto thefe and fuch like manifefiplaces, it is anfvvered, that the Apofile fpeakethnot ofthe worksofthemorall Iaw, but ofthe ceremoniesonlie.To which againe weereply,that no fuch friuolcius diffin6tioncan begathered out oftheApo- 'files words, nay,theplainecontrary euidently appeareth, by hismaine fcopeand drift in hiswhole difcourfeofour iuffifi- cation, andaltoby fome particularplaces. His chicle fcope is tobeate downe the pride ofall, both Jew es andGentiles,to the end that the whole glory and praife ofour iufüfication and faluationmightbe aferibed to the free mercy grace, and goodnesofGod alone. Now it is moll certaine that the mo- rall dutiesare in thetnfelues farre more excellent then the ce- remonial], and confequently more fit topuffevs vp with a fpirituall pride,and tomakevs to refi in our fclues for our iu- fiification,afcribing atleafi,fome part ofthe praife vnto our owne workes andvertues:fo thatif the Apofile had onlyfpo- ken of the workesofthe cerernonialIlaw,mans pride fhould not beebeatendowne, neither fhouldGod haue the whole praife ofour faluation,and fohis difcourfe fhould be vaine,as not tending toproue& inforce that,for which end and pur- pofe hee chieflievndertakes it. Againe,this should nothing concerne neither the Gentiles in former times, nor any true Chriffians fnce the comming ofChrift, forafinuch as they did not,nor doe not, neither were,norare bound toobíèrue the ceremonial) law, and confequently could neuer once dreameofobtaining righteoufiaes by fulfilling the ceremo- nies;