That wearenot ix f ified ty oasr ollmewords. 57Ç nies; but they would rather afcribe theglorie oftheir iuftifi- cátion to their moral duties, to which they found themfelues boundby the lawofnaturepritten in their hearts,or do find themfelues bound by the morall law ofGodwritten inhis tNord;and therfore it was neccfharyfor the beating downeof their pride,and that theymight afcribe the wholeglory vnto God of their iuftification and faluation, that the Apoftlein this difcourfemouldproue ÿ they were not iuttified, neither by obfcruing the law ofnature written in their hearts, nor yet the moral lawofGod reuealed in his word. Whereby it manifeftly appeareth, that howfoeuer ÿ Apoflle excludeth the works oftheceremonial law frombeingcaufesofiuttifi- cation,yet not the alone,but the works ofthemoral lawalto. But this may more manifeftly appeare by particular pla- §.Sec7.5. ces,wherin theApoftle plainly fheveth that he fpeaketh not Thefirmer' onelyofthe ceremoniall law, but of the morall law allo. In point prow'td by the fecond chapter ofthe Epiftle to the Romanes he plainely P Y reftimoaier. di fputeth as wel ofthe law ofnature,to theobediencewher- ofthe Gentiles were obliged, as ofthe law giuenby C.frtofs: Chap.3.19.2o. he faith that all the world are made culpa- Rom.3.t9.zo . ble beforeGod,and therfore by theworks ofthe law Thal no flefh be iuflified inhis fight.Now ifthis cöfequence be good, he fpeakethnot onlyof the ceremoniall,butofthe moral du- tic,for the former belonged not to the Gentiles, and there- fore the negle&ofthem did not make them culpable,nor de- barre themofbeing iuftifiedby their ovine workes. Secondly, Rom. 1o. 5.6. and Gal. 3. i I. r 2. 21.22.24. Rom.TO 5.6. the Apofile putteth a plaine difference betweene the righter 64311.11. otafüeffe which is by the law, and the righteoufnes which is 21.Z2.14' by faith, and maketh a flat oppofition in the aé ofiuftifica- tion,notbetwecne morali and ceremoniall duties, but be- tweene doing and bekeuing,faithand workes. Ephef z.8.9 Thirdlie, hee faith, Eph.2.8.9. that weare faseedbygrace through faith,rot ofof r (elues, nor of works, left any man thould boafl hiFnielfe. Ifhe had fpokenonlyofworkes they might(though foolifhly)haue wreí}ed it to ceremoniesonly, fceing theEphefïans were not bound to the ceremonial law, as being firar_gers to the common wealth oflfrael,as hirnfelf fpeaketh