./ Var.' t. Titus3,5. Gal.L,3. Rom.l.to. and 7.7,t,9. Gal+to. Verf. tt. That the A. yoftle exctr Beth as vvcll the vvorkes ofthe regeueratc,as ofthe vnrege- ,nerate. Rom4t. andverf; 3.4. 576 That weare not itsfliftedby our omne workes. « fpeaketh,verf.r 2 : but when he faith alfonot ofour felues,he excludeth all whatfoeuer is in vs from being the catifc ofour faluation,not only ceremonialbut alfomorali duties. So wri- ting to Titus he faith,Tit. 3.5.¡'lot by theworks ofrighteou f res which foe had done, but according to his mercie hefaired vs : in whichplace wee are neceflarily to vnderfland the workes of the morali law ; for Titus being aGrecianwas not bound to obferue the ceremoniall law,and therforehe was not fo much as circumcifed,as the Apoílle plainlyaffirmeth,Gal.2.3. Fourthly, Paul fpeakethofthat lawby whichweecome to the knowledge of fin, as appearethRom.3.20. and But the knowledge of finne came cfpeciallyby the Morali law,and thereforeof this law theApoílle freaketh. Laflly, the Apoílle (peaking oftheworkes ofthe law, aI- Ieageth thefe fentences : Galath_3.ro. _4smany as areofthe workes ofthe lazvare vnder the curfe : forit is written, Curledis emery ratan that continueth not in all things which are written in the bootie ofthe law to doe them. So that heÇtleaketh not of the ceremoniall law alone,but ofthe whole lawofMofs, andof all thingscontained in it. And verf. 12. efnd the lawis not of faith, but theman that (hall doe then things/hall live in them. Which cannot bee vnderflood of the ceremoniall lawe a- lone, but of the workesof the Morali lawe, yeaof them e- fpecially. Secondly,it is' anfwered that theApoílle fpeaketh only pf the workes ofthofe whoare not regenerate nor indued with faith,and not ofthe regenerate and faithfull. Which(Lifting cauill the Apofile cleerely taketh away,not only by applying his fpeeches vnto all men without any limitation, but efpe- cially in that example ofAbraham which heebringeth for this purpofe ; who though hee were longbefore regenerate, indtted with faith and exceeding plentifull in goodworkes, yet he flatly excludeth all his workes from beingany caufes ofhis iuflification. SoRom.4.2. t/Tbrahamwere workes hehadwherein to reioyce, butnot with God. And verf 3 . Abrahambelee.sed God, and it was countedvnto himfor thte- oufrreffe. 4. Noun tohim that 117 orketh, the wages is not counted byfatiour, 6ut by debt. 5. Vint to him that txorketh not,but6e- leeueth