That wearenot iratiftedbyour.orvne worker 517 leeueth inhim that iuf}ifieth thevngodly, his faith is counted righteoufaef fe. And io much concerning the tefiimonies of Scripture, (),Se27.E. which manifefy proouc that wee.are not iuflified byour Reaje;isto workes. The reafons whichmay be brought to the fame pur-Prone that vve fled pofe are exceeding many; but I will briefly touch fame few are iußì only. FirU, iuftificatión is manifeflly oppofed to condemna- tion: and theyare both iudiciall words vied in Ciuill Courts, 34. and therefore to be vnderflood both judicially and not after. a diuers manner. But to condemne flgnifieth not to infule any fault or crime into the perfon condemned ; but to pi-V, pounce himguiltie and faultie : and therefore to iuílifie fig- nifieth not to infufc righteoufüefie into the perfon iutlified ; but to delare, pronounce, and repute him as it'll and righ- teous. Secondly, by the fame meaneswherebywee obtaine the remiffion of our finnes, wee are allo iuflifiedand made righteous; but wee obtaine the rerniffion of our finnes not for our workes or inherent righteoufnef e,or any vertue that is inour felues, but byand for the alonemerits, obedience, and full fatisfaáTtionof Chrifl,apprehendedand appliedvnto vsbya liuely faith,as appearethRom.3.25.And therefore byRam,3.2 5, this meanesalone we are alfo iuflified. Thirdly, whofoeuerare'iuflified freelybygrace, they are not iuflified by their owne merits, workes, or inherent righ- teoufnes:but the Scriptures teflifiethat all the faithfulare iu- fljfied freelybyGods grace,as appeareth Rom 3.23.24. 11 Rom.3.23.t4. bane(ìiixed and aredepriuedoftheglarie ofqod. 24. end are i'ssgified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in C'hrifi lefus.SòEph. .7. Bywhomwehaue redemption through Eph X. 7. hisblood,euen theforkiuenes of finnesaccording to his richgrace. and 2.8. And 2.8. Bygrace areyoufaued throughfaith, and thatnot of yourfelues, it is thegift ofGod. And'Tit.3. Not by the workes Tat, 3 S.7 ofrighteoufnej%which wee had done,but according to his mercie hefauedvs,ec. 7. That webeing iuflified by his grace, ¡hould be madeheires according to hopeofeternalllife.And therfore none are iuflifiedby theirowne merits, workes, or inherent righ- teoufileffe. P p Laflly,